№ 17. Two Truths and A Lie

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So I let Chelsea talk me into going on a ferris wheel. But not just any ferris wheel, no sir, this was a death trap. We arrived and stood on an absurdly long line, my fingers and lips frozen solid by the time it was our turn. George joined us miraculously as soon as we were set to go, and hopped over the barrier just in time.

"Nice of you to join us! Where the hell have you been?" Chelsea squeaked. 

"Sorry," was all that George could pant in reply.

His curls were messily scruffed and a woolen scarf sat snugly around his throat as he adjusted his leather gloves. George was definitely the type to wear scuffed up combat boots, but could easily look like a nice guy to bring home to mom.

"Hey Barbie," he nodded in my direction. 

I tried to smile but it came out appearing as more of a grimace.

"Just wondering but do you remember my name?"

George shrugged, "Barbie has a better ring to it. It'll start to grow on yah."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah - like a cancer."

He grinned and the guard at the entrance waved for us to walk through. I was prodded up a platform and then George, Chelsea, and ten others as well as myself were packed into a giant pod. Two large, glass doors slid shut and locked behind us, signaling the beginning to my doom.

I swallowed as I realized what this was. The walls and ceiling were made of glass as well, but it was the fact that the floor was too. My eyes nearly popped out of my skull as I accidentally looked down, and immediately my knees buckled.

Luckily George was by my side and he caught me in time, but I could feel my vision start to blur.

"Barbie, you alright?"

I craned my neck to see George gazing back at me worridly, but I shut my eyes to keep from looking.

"Um, I-I'm fine..."

"Bloody hell you're afraid of heights" he scoffed.

It wasn't even a question as he stated it matter of a factly.

The pod kept rotating but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. Getting on the plane to go to England wasn't as bad as this. Firstly, I had taken a ripe amount of sleeping pills to knock myself out, and secondly, when you're in a steel encased aircraft, you can't see the several thousands of feet of empty space below you. It's all about concealing, but this ride was giving me heart palpitations.

"Am not," I weakly tried to defend.

I could feel George roll his eyes, but he didn't let go. He kept his arms securely locked around my waist and supported my weight, letting me slump against him.

"Look, it's not as bad as you think. Besides, this is a once in a lifetime kind of thing, so live a little Barbie."

I shook my head, my eyes still squeezed closed tightly, but George wouldn't have it. Suddenly the sensation of cool leather brushing against my cheek startled me, and I couldn't help but pop one eye open. George took the opportunity and with a gloved hand, shifted my vision in the direction to the front of the pod. And it was beautiful. Through the glass, there were the houses of Parliament, regal and stunning in architecture. And of course, the iconic Big Ben. Hundreds of people swarmed on the bridges below, walking in all directions and to my right were scattered masses of skyscrapers and buildings. The overcast painted a silver hue over the whole city, composed of glass giants and ancient stone. I was speechless.

I noticed that I didn't need to hold on to George any longer, and that I was instead leaning over the railing within the pod to get a better view. He came to my side and instead sloppily hung an arm over my shoulders and looked on with me.

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