we'll be home soon

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it's the last chapter! i apologise for the time skips

thank you for reading my terrible scribbles I call a stories haha

ily all so much ok

(Title Credit&Song Of The Chapter; A Prophecy)

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Third Person POV

One Year Later

"James be careful!" Belle said as James played with Alexandria, slowly helping her onto her feet James held Alexandria's hands, leading her to her first few steps.

"Walk to mummy," James smiled letting go of Alex's tiny hands. Alexandria flashed a toothless grin and stumbled towards Belle. James cheered and kissed Belle's temple,
"She's definatley a Cassells!" Belle laughed as Alexandria scrunched up her nose.

"The lads are coming for dinner!" Belle smiled as she set Alex down to play with her toys. James plastered a fake smile across his face, he knew exactly what the conversation at dinner was going to be.

"I've brought beer and a teddy bear for Alex!" Danny smiled as he walked through the front door. Danny kneeled down to Alex and kissed her forehead "I'll miss you baby girl." He whispered before giving the bear to Alexandria. "What's up fuckers!" Ben yelled as he burst through the front door, Sam and Cam following behind him.
"Benjamin watch your language!" Danny laughed covering Alexandria's ears. Ben laughed and walked over to James.

"Have you told Belle yet mate?" He whispered, watching Alex play. James shook his head and looked to the floor. "I can't, i'll lose her and Alex, I can't Ben," James choked out. Ben gently patted James on the back.

"Dinner's ready!" Belle smiled as she set down the last plate of food. Danny jumped into his chair and tucked in. After finishing their meals, Ben spoke up.

"So, Um, well.." Ben started,

"The band's really taking off and we've already got a big fanbase, so we've been offered a record deal-"

"Oh my god, thats amazing!" Belle smiled, Ben sighed

"You didn't let me finish, the record label wants us to move to America." Belle's face drained of colour, She looked down at her hands.

"Guys could you give me and James a minute please?" Belle said trying to keep herself calm. Danny nodded and picked up Alexandria, taking her into the garden with Ben, Sam and Cam following.

"Belle please let me explain," James pleaded as Belle held her head in her hands. Belle looked up at James, her cheeks stained black from her eyeliner tears.

"Explain what? That you're leaving your girlfriend and daughter in England while you're living in America? What about Alexandria? Did you think how hard its going to be on her not having her father around? She's not even two years old and you're walking away. What happened to being there for me? Forever and always huh? Because that wasn't a load of bullshit!" Belle screamed at James, hot tears pouring down her cheeks.

"Belle listen to me, I don't want to leave you and Alex behind. I want you to move out there with us. After I've got myself a house, you and Alexandria can fly over and live with us out there, Alex can grow up in the states and we'll visit Yorkshire whenever im not touring!" James said, pushing his side of the argument across. Belle shook her head and walked up to James, her face inches from his.

"James Cassells, you're a fucking prick but I never stay mad at you." Belle spoke softly before pressing her lips to his.

~ ~ ~

"When do you guys leave?" Belle asked as she layed Alexandria in her crib.
"In the morning." He whispered, wiping a stray tear off his cheek. Belle left Alexandria's room and entered her and James' room, crawling onto the bed. Belle pulled her knees into her chest and let the tears spill onto the bed.

"Belle please don't cry. Please love, you and Alex will fly out as soon as I've got myself a place, I'll Skype you, ring you and text you all the time," James said softly as climbed onto the bed next to Belle. He pulled her small frame into his grasp and softly sung to her.

"We'll be home soon so dry your eyes, you'll be okay"

Belle awoke the next day, she looked to her side to see she was alone, she pushed herself off of the cold bed and wandered out to Alexandria's room to see her sound asleep cuddled up with the teddy bear Danny gave her the previous day. Belle left her little girl to sleep and dragged herself down the stairs.

Wandering into the kitchen Belle found a note on the counter addressed to her, She grabbed the crumbled paper and opened it to see a page of James' scruffy writing.

'My beautiful and amazing girlfriend,

I'm so sorry that i left without a goodbye kiss or a hug but i couldn't bare to see you cry. I love you with all my heart and i swear that you'll be with me in America in no time. I promise i will Skype you and Alexandria every night and once the album is recorded i'll come home and see you. We'll be together in no time sweetheart. There was one thing i didn't get the chance to ask you before i left this morning

I love you Isabelle Marie Reading, more than anything and anyone, so my love, Will you marry me?'

Belle lookedat the counter and saw a Ruby red diamond sitting on a silver ring. Belle blinked, letting a few tears slip down her cheeks. She slid on the ring and smiled to herself.

"I take that as a yes then?" A voice laughed from the doorway sending Belle into shock, she spun around to see James leaning against the door frame, a cheesy grin plastered across his face.

"I-I thought you were going to America?" Belle choked out before falling into James' arms.

"Did you really think i'd leave you and Alexandria behind?" James asked as he kept his arms around Belle.

"You never said goodbye so i assumed so." She laughed as she wiped her eyes. "Come on, pack your stuff," James grinned as he interwined his fingers with Belle's. She sent him a confused look "Why?"

"Because we're going to America." James smiled before connecting his lips to Belle's.

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the young and foolish // james cassellsWhere stories live. Discover now