tear stained cheeks

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I stared at Minnie in shock and disbelief, there is no way in hell I'd like James, he's picked on me since day one of high school!

"You're insane Minnie" I laughed trying to shake off her comment. She shook her head and tutted

"Isabelle Marie Redding, you like James, stop denying it!" She said flinging her arms in the air. I laughed and shrugged.

"Whatever, you're crazy, i've got Physics with the She Devil so i'll see you at lunch?" I asked pulling her into a quick hug. She nodded and waved as i walked off. Pulling out my ipod i placed my earphones in my ears and pressed play.

"Can you hear the silence, can you see the dark, can you fix the broken, can you feel, can you feel my heart?" Oli Sykes sang through my earphones, I carried on walking, flicking through my music, focusing on Oli's Voice.

"Oh shit im sorry" I muttered as stood up from being knocked over.

"Stupid emo, watch where you're going next time or i'll rip those rings out of your lip" Liz's friend from earlier spat.

"I said im sorry okay? Piss off!" I spat back, she let out and evil laugh and tutted,

"Stupid girl, I'll make you're life a living hell just you watch" She said, her face inching closer to mine. "Whatever" I muttered before walking away,

"Get back here!" The girl shouted. "Fuck you!" I shouted back flicking her off. I turned around and carried on walking, click click click, Her heels hitting the floor as she came after me, "What part of fuck off don't yo-" I was cut off by a fist colliding with my face and a kick to my gut. Falling to the floor in agony, I pulled my knees to my chest as the kicking&punching continued. I closed my eyes as tears threatened to leave my eyes. Please make it stop, Somebody help me! Anybody please help! My mind screamed but struggling to escape my lips.

"Oi James come 'elp us!" A voice shouted as the kicking&punching increased.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Leave her alone!" James shouted, causing the group to scurry away.

"Belle can you hear me love?" He asked grazing this thumb over my cheek.

"I-it hurts" I sobbed,

"I know Belle, come 'ere" He said scooping up my frail body in his arms. "W-where are you t-taking me?" I choked out.

"Somewhere safe sweetheart" He whispered kissing my forehead.

"James, I-I'm cold" I stuttered as a shiver flowed through my body. He set me on my feet and lifted off his jumper, revealing his tattooed chest. I stared at his chest in amazement, We're only 17, how did he get a whole chest piece?

"Here you go" He said sending me a simpathetic smile,

"James i can't you'll freez-"

"Yes you can now take it" He said shoving towards me. I sighed and pulled it over my head.

"Get on my back" James laughed before leaning forward. I giggled&Jumped on his back as he began to run down the road.

We arried at James', slowly he sat me on a kitchen counter and wandered over to a cupboard, pulling out a bottle of Antiseptic for my wounds.

"Sit still, this is gonna sting a bit" He said before dapping my cheek with the Antiseptic.

"Ow fuck" I cried grabbing James' hand and squeezing it. He shook his head and let out a small laugh before carrying on cleaning my cuts.

"You have beautiful eyes" He said as he looked at me. Is it hot in here? Fuck im blushing! I thought as James cleaned my lip.

"Come on, let's get you some clean clothes" James smiled lifting me off the counter.

~ ~ ~

wtf why is james being so nice

the young and foolish // james cassellsWhere stories live. Discover now