stay the night

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third person point of view

Belle followed James up the stairs, feeling uneasy about the whole situation, a million thoughts running through her mind, Why was James being so nice? She shook her head, letting the thoughts slip away.

"Here's a top&some shorts" James smiled sweetly.

"The bathrooms just there, if you need anything give me a shout" He smiled before walking into what she assumed was his bedroom. Belle walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Pealing off her bloody t-shirt, Belle looked in the mirror, analysing her injuries, her stomach&sides black&blue from the kicking. She closed her eyes, attempting to stop the tears from escaping. Opening her eyes, Belle pulled on James' t-shirt.

"J-James" She said, peeping her head out of the door.

"You okay Belle?" He asked with worry.

"H-how bad are the bruises?" She asked pulling her top up to reveal the bruises, letting the warm tears running down her red cheeks. James pulled Belle into a hug and sighed.

"James" Belle whispered into his chest.

"Yes love" He whispered back, still holding her in his embrace.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked, immediately regretting it. James sighed and looked at Belle.

"Because I've been a dick to you since the first day of year seven, I've been rude&horrible&damn right stupid and I wanna be your friend Belle, not your enemy" He said while cupping Belles face in his hands. "I'm so sorry" he whispered, his face inching closer to Belles.

(Belle's POV)

"I'm so sorry" James whispered, his face getting closer to mine. I closed my eyes&pressed my lips to his.

"Stay here for the weekend? We haven't got school so..." James said as the kiss broke.

"I'll need to go home and get my clothes&phone, Minnie will be having a fit because I missed lunch" I said letting out a small laugh. He nodded&threw me over his shoulder causing me to scream.

"J-James put me down" I shouted while laughing.

"Never!" He shouted back running down the stairs.

After almost dying from James' awful driving we arrived at my house.

"Do you want me to come with you?" James asked as he turned off the car, "No its okay, if i'm not out in 10 minutes come and get me, the door will be open" I said as I climbed out of the car. I walked into my house and looked around, beer bottles&pizza boxes everywhere.

"Liz i'm staying at a friends for the weekend!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs. The sound of Liz giggling filled the house, her stupid friends must be over. I shrugged it off and walked into my room, grabbing a bag i packed some clothes and my make-up, I grabbed my phone and its charger and stuffed it into my bag.

(Third Person POV)

Belle walked out of her room, slinging her bag over her shoulder.

"You alright Belle?" James asked causing Belle to scream.

'Why did you scream?" James laughed snaking his arms around Belle's waist. "You scared me dipshite!" She laughed spinning around to face James.

"Come on I wanna go home" James whined causing Belle to laugh,

"Let me just grab my toothbrush&hair brush from the bathroom" Belle said escaping James grasp. Reaching the bathroom door, Belle heard more giggling coming from the bathroom. She opened the door and screamed. "Belle what the fuck!" Liz shouted covering herself with a towel.

"Belle what's happen- Oh my god Ben" James shouted.

"You know him?" Belle shouted at James. James sighed and looked at Ben.

"That daft cunt's my best mate"

the young and foolish // james cassellsWhere stories live. Discover now