Chapter 8

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Justin's POV

Rhi moved waking me up. I looked over to see her heading upstairs. I sneak up after her. I watch from the top of the stairs. She went into the bathroom and stated the shower. She let it wrm up as she walked to her room to get clean cloths. then walked back to the bathroom and shut the door.

I ran down stairs and started fixing her the biggest breakfast i could while i was on the phone. I made pancakes and eggs with orange juice and sausages . I called the local flower place and ordered flowers for tonight and then i called up a friend and set up something special for her. Tonight was going to be spacial. Im going to tell her what she means to me. After everything. I still love her.


I got out the shower and i notice breakfast was made. Justin was waiting at the bottom of the stairs for me.

J:Good morning :]

R: good morning Mr. Justin

J: come in eat i have a big day planned out for you.

R: really what are we doing?

J:No more questioms sit down and eat.

We at there and talked and laughed. After breakfast we went for a walk to the park. We sat there for a good two hours talkin in the park and watching all the little kids playing in the park and then seeing the dogs running through the park so free and happy.

I walked by in side to go to the bathroom and when i came out i didnt find Justin anywhere. I walked in to the kitchin to get water and got a text from Justin.

Text: Tee hee Tee hee, looking for me? im missing, wanting you to be kissing me. I left money for you go get a pretty dress . see you at 5pm sharp.

i texted back a happy face and i texted Ashliegh to go shopping with me. She agreed and i drove to mee her at the same shop where we met Justin over two years ago. Tomoorw is officially My birthday. The I think Justin has something planned. I will be 18 and Just last night I got back with justin and tomorrow i will be able to do anything i want.

I cought up with Ashliegh. I cant wait to see what Justin has planned. Im glad he is back. I slowly Walked in and the lady at the counter remembered me.

Casher: Hello Rhi, how have you been?

R: Good, you?

C: Good, Need a new dress?

R: Yes, something sweet yet sexy.

C: special accation? 

R: Im not sure.. (smiling and giggleing to her self)

C: well head to the dressing room and i will get a few for you to choose from.

I do as i was asked and go in to the dressing room. I walk in to the same room and I take off my shoes and close the door. Then i saw a note on the back of the doo. i take it off and smile to my self and just put it in my purse. There was a knock on my door and i opened it to Keyy the casher holding some amazings dresses. I took them and tried them on. My favorite one was this peach dress. it was a strapless sparkly dress.. It was the perfect dress. I loved it. 

Once i paid for it i me and Ashliegh walked to the nail sallon to get our nails done. it was my birthday present from Ashliegh to me. then we stopped my my moms house to see her while we were in town. I walked in to be attacted by JB i missed this dog so much. he grow he was so much bigger. I wanted to take him home. mom came in to see me nad almost dropped my now 6 month old baby brother. He was so cute. i grabbed him and started playing with him. 

Once two hours had passed i had to still drive home to meet Justin. I needed to stop by the house so i said good by to my mom and dad and new lil brother got Jb and out him in the car and drove home. I got home to get ready I let jb run around the house as i got ready.

(the dress i got: )

Then My silver heals and did a natural make up set. I walk to my room to pick out a sweater and the do bell rang. i ran down stairs bar foot. It rang before i could get my heals on.

It was a flower guy. I took the flowers and I walked in to the kitchen. there where two boxes. One was a bigger box then the other. I opened the big one first. It was 12 red roses, 11 real and one fake. i now knew what the note ment.

Note: I will love you till the last one dies! Love Justin

I then opened the second box. It was a peach carnashion. I got my shoes and my purse cam back down stairs to get the flower out the othe onse in a vase and head out the door to my car. Just as i open the door. there was a limo in from and th driver opening the door for me. 

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