Next to You

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Please read this and tell others about it and leave ur comments i would be ober happy :] This is my first book im writing and thought it would be fun not it my hobbie lol. Enjoy :]

Chapter One

In Atlanta, Georga there is a teen girl who is a big fan of Justin Bieber. She is not a popular girl at her school yet she has some amazing friends and they all love to go shopping like regular teen girls.

Hey, guess who it is. That is right my name is Rhilean, but for short everyone calls me Rhi. Today my friends and I are going shopping at our local mall. We have been here since about noon and as we walked around the corner to our favorite store there was a big crowed blocking our way. So I decided to push my way to the front as my friends followed me. All of a sudden I automatically stop in my tracks as my friends run into my back and start asking why I stopped. As they looked up they saw what I was seeing. It was Justin Bieber Signing his posters for some fans. He looked up surprised like he just saw something amazing then stopped what he was doing and walked over to me.

Justin "Hello I'm Justin Bieber, ummmm........ Would you like to join me for dinner? I can make reservations for just the two of us."

Rhi " Ummm I would love to, but I'm here wit me girls. Sorry can't just leave them. It kind of is our girls day at the mall."

Justin" Well If that the case how many are you guys?"

Rhi " Three why?

Justin " Perfect."

Rhi" Why is what perfect?"

Justin " Well instead of just us two then, how would you and your friends join Ryan, Chaz and I for dinner?"

Rhi turns and looks at her friends and all agree then looks back to Justin.

Justin "Well then how would you girls like to wait in the store with me tell the guys get here?"

Rhi and her friends " We would love to."

Justin holds his hand out for Rhi to hold and she does as her friends follow her and Justin in the store. The girls start to look around the store as Justin texts the guys to meet them.

Justin" They should be here in about five minutes."

Rhi smiles and says " Sounds perfect."

Five minutes have pass as Ryan and Chaz walk in the store. Justin heads over to greet them.

Justin " Hey guys, how you been?"

Ryan " Great you bro?"

Justin " Good, How about you Chaz? How is yous little sister? I hope she is doing better."

Chaz " Im good, and thank you for asking, she is doing so much better."

Justin " Good, so you guys are going to help me company these lady to the dinner tonight, right?"

Both boys answer yes as they all walk over to meet the girls.

Justin " This is Rhi and her two friends."

Ryan" Hello, I'm Ryan. What may I have the honer of calling you?"

Girl smiles at her two friends and says " I'm Leiann, Very nice to meet you Ryan."

Ryan " Nice to meet you."

As Ryan and Leiann are introducing them selfs Chaz introduces him self to this young girl with brown hair and brown eyes with a hint of hazal in them.

Chaz" Ummmm wow...."

The girl " Ummm wow what? Lol"

Chaz " Umm did you fall from above?"

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