Chapter 5

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Omb I just sat her and wrote three pages worth of writin and lost all my work to chapter four! Im so sad! it is midnight here and now i have to sit here and rewrite all of that. it was perfect and now it wont because i was writing everything as it came to mind and it was written so well. omb im so sad. ugh stupid labtop!!!!


Just as he slowly pulled his lips off mine, i looked up at him and his eyes were glued to mine the crowed was getting louder and i was stick smilin at him and once i noticed how big of a smile was on my face i shyly looked away and he lifted my head back so our eyes match and he kissed my forhead.

He took my hand we bowed and walked off stage hand in hand. When we got back stage there was a limo waiting and im thinking Justin planned something special then he went to walk up to it when the door opened and a brown head girl got out and huged Justin.

"Hey are you ready for dinner?" She said

" umm almost give me a second." Justin said.

Then out of no where she leanded in and kissed justin. he put his hands on he waist and she pulled away and said "okay hurry up and be done with this cherity case."

Then kissed him again. i felt warm tears run down my face i ran to the car got in locked the doors and grabbed my ipod and was crying hystarically as i turned up my ipod and blasted the loudest music i had on there so i didnt have to listen to my parents ask me questions. once we got home i was the first one out the car and in the house and i ran to my room locked my door and grabbed JB and fell asleep crying.

Justin POV

As the limo door flew open Jasmin came  out and was all over me. I was in shocked that she was really do that knowing i was with Rhi. 


She sat down and looked up at me and asked me" then why did you ask me to do this single with you?"


Jasmin" but justin we had something. what happened?

i stood out the car again." WHAT HAPPENED?!?!? WHAT HAPPENED IS YOU CHEATED ON MY WITH ONE OF MY BEST FRIENDS WHO I NO LONGER TALK TO BECAUSE OF YOU. I LOVE RHI SO STAY FAR AWAY FROM ME. FOREVER!!!!!" I say sittin back in the car slamming the doow and telling the drive to drive to Rhi house a little out of town.

As we were drivin i tried calling and texting Rhi to get a hold of her but she wouldnt answer and i looked to my left to take a breath and i saw the worst thing in the world. Two decel head lights right in front on me and the last thing i remember was looking at the picture Rhi sent me of her and Jb laying in bed. i had set it as my backround on my phone. then i was out.


 I woke up the next morning to 5 text and 3 missed calls all from Justin and i Just deleted them all. I didnt care. I didnt want to hear from that cheating popstar ever again. I grabbed Jb and i walked to my labtop turned it on and went to take Jb to use the backyard. As i walked thro the house i noticed mom was in the kitchen talking to my dad and icould hear the news on. i walked by trying to ignore what it was talking about it and let Jb out. he went thro the door and i sat down and looked at the tv.

Me" Mom turn it up please?"

she looked at me with a weird look and turned up the tv. I read what it said then heard the mans voice saw the worse news.

Man on tv" Late last night Justin Bieber was in a horable car crash More information coming in an Hour."

I looked at my mom and i felt tears run down my face.  I ran to my room. grabbed my labto sat on my bed and searched it. as i waited for the page to pull up my phone started going off as Ashleigh and Leiann we calling i answered and they were crying while i told them all what happened yesterday and that i was mad at myself for being mad at him, and all this stuff.I stopped talking to her as i sat there and read the artical on what happened i could wait for the tv to tell me i needed to know now.

 The aritcal:

"Late last night Justin Bieber was in a car accedent after doing a preformance with he new girlfriend. Then short after the performance he was seen in a fight with Jasmin(his ex) who made the new girl friend run after which only can say justin was going after her when his drive went thro a yellow light and was impacted but a speeding desel truck coming off the free way. The truck slammed into Justins side of the limo rolling it and pinning it upside down against a light poll holding the one door shut and the truck ledged it to the other door makin it impssable to get to Justin to rescue him. After three long hours of getting through the windsheld of the care the finally got Justin out and air lifted to the hospital. We were told that Justin is now in a coma and is in need of a Kidny transplant soon. Both parents we tested to see if they were a match but the only close family who was a match was his Little sister Jazy who is to young to give up her Kidny."

That is all i could read before the tears in my eyes made it hard to read.  My Mom came in my room and brought me a suit case.

mom" sweety you know what you have to do. Pack your things that you will need to stay there a while. I will bring more things when you need them. I cant stay with you due to the fact im going to have this baby soon and your dad will drop you off since it is two towns away and he is heading to the airport to head to his own home. i trust you will make all the right choices."

I packed just enough for one week. Because after a week the baby should be here and my mom will need all the help she can get. My dad put my bag in the car and we took of for the hospital. When we got there i told the nurse what happened. I told her i wanted to give my kidny to Justin and that i knew i was a match. My dad signed the papers and she took me to go get tested.

About an hour later they told me i was a match but the sergury was till two more days so that they can make sure mine is healthy enough to give it to him. so the nurse kindly showed me his room. I walked up to his bed and saw my things already in there and a chair with a nice warm blanket on it. i grabbed the blanket and went and layed on the bed next to my man and our puppy. yes i brought Jb along with me and they let him stay with us in the hospital.

I woke up the next morning and i had to go let Jb out. I grabbed my blanket rapped my self up tight and took a look at Justin. It hurt me to see him laying there with all those tubes down his throat. but it was to help him so i tried not to let it get to me. I walked down the hall to the back of the hospital where i knew there was a hot chocolate machine and I bought me one and walked out to the garden where Jb could do his buisness.

As i was sitting there Justins mom came up and started talking to me. I havnt seen her since my birthday party. it was nice to just sit there and walk with her, About 20 minutes later Jermey and Jazy came up and they offered to take me to there place to get some sleep and take a nice hot shower. which im not going to lie sounded really good right now. I walked back in to get my stuff and Pattie came with me. Jermey and Jazy took Jb to the car to get warm. Pattie stopped me and took a picture of us. I liked how she always took pictures to remember the moments. I then kissed Justin on the forhead the way he kissed me and told him i loved him and will see him tomorrow. On the way to the house they stopped to get some breakfast. By this time it was 11 am. so we went to Dennys. It was great. Once we got home i took a shower then got in bed in the guest bedroom. My room was next to Justins and Jazys the bathroom was across the hall and pattie and Jermey slept down stairs in the master bedroom.

I woke up at 4am to the sound of a little girl crying. It was Jazy. i had forgotten i was there. I walked to her room. She wasnt there. I hope she didnt fall down the stairs. i ran to them but didnt see her. i went ot turn to my right and saw Justins door open. I peeked in and saw her holding her teddy and sittin on Justins bed crying. I picked her up and rocked her to sleep. Just when i tought she was alseep i went to walk out the room but she started to cry. I knew i had to be up in a few hours to do the surgery so i just laid her down in Justins bed and fell alseep with her under his nice warm blanket that smelled like him.

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