chapter 2

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At Jay Jay's right outside of town there seemed to be something going on as Justin pulls around the block and parks his car. He then turns around and starts talking to everyone in the car.

Justin " I have to make an appearance at this fashion show. I have to go in back change then we all will meet up right here and take a limo to the front to walk the red carpet. Is everyone okay with this plan. Then after dinner for sure."

Everyone agrees, as the boys leave to go change they leave the girls alone in the car. Sitting on an unknown street corner was starting to scare the girls as they try to gossip about being able to walk the red carpet and wondering if this will be on T.V. and in magazines. As Justin and the guys make it back stage with out being scene he starts to think maybe leaving the girls in the car alone at night wasn's such a good idea. So Justin ask one of the body gard to go and make sure nothing happens to the girls while they are getting ready.

Big Jon, one of Justin's extra body guards, walks to the car and knocks on the window startling the girls. Rhi in the drivers seat now, rolls down the window just a little bit to ask who he was. He tells he who he is and why he was there.

Big Jon " Hello, sorry I didn't mean to scare you at all Lady's. I'm Big Jon, one of Justin's body guards and he asked me to come make sure you lady's were safe. I can tell that you Lady's are a bit jumpy, so how about I walk up and down here a little bit to make sure no stranger approaches  the car just to keep you lady's more comfortable. Also that way you lady's can talk all you want and have your space. Sound good?"

Rhi " Thank you so much. You are such a gentalman. That all sounds good. Thank you. Ummm do you know how much longer Justin will be?"

Big Jon " Not much longer miss."

Rhi " Thank you."

Rhi rolls up the window but before they could start talking again Big Jon taps on the window again and says its was time to go. as the girls get out the car Ashleigh starts talking to Rhi.

Ashleigh "Ohhh he really likes you. He got someone to come make sure you were safe. That is so sweet. "

Rhi " Well he is sweet for doing that but i don't know. I mean why would he like me? I'm just a regular teen girl from Atlanta, Georga and he is this famouse pop star who is good looking and has everything he wants. He could have any girl in the world why would he choose me?"

A formular voice starts talking as their arms wrap around Rhi's waist, " Because u are down to earth, you know what you want in life and you are the most beautifulest girl I have ever seen."

Rhi turns around blushing. "Well Thank you." He kisses her on the cheek and takes her hand.

Justin " Shall we?" 

Rhi " We shall."

As Justin and Rhi head to the limo Ryan is opends the door as Leiann ,him, Chaz and Ashleigh all get in then Justin gets the door from the driver and holds it open for Rhi as she gets in Justin tell the body gards he wants them to get in the car and ride be hind them, the gard follows and Justins gets in the car and shuts the door.They drive around and blast music and party to get pumped to walk the red cartpet the guys thought it would be a good idea to calm the girls nervers. Soon enough it was time to have all focuse on them. They pulled up in front of the building, the whole red carpet was empty just for them. Body gards lined up to protect them and  one opends the door and Chaz gets out first then he helps Ashleigh out he reaches to hold he by the waist and walks to stop and take poses and then Ryan steps out and holds his hand out for Leiann and they hold hands and walk down to meet the other two. Then there is a long pause to see who is coming out next, but during this pause Justin is talking to Rhi.

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