Boy Meets...Boy? Chapter Eleven Part Two

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I hope you guys like. Vote and comment please! Please check out Miscellaneous as I need your help in deciding what to write next. It's all explained in there so go read! Please :) 

Oh I also thought that I should start to deticate my chapters to followers who have been faithful throughout this whole book in comments and votes. To me comments are way more important than votes as comments actually help me out on how to write the story better and what you guys want to happen,etc. So for this I think I'd be more focus on comments than votes. What do you guys think of me deticating chapters to you guys?


Chapter Eleven Part Two:

                The next time he woke it was a rough shaking. Letting out a groan as complain to the way the person was waking him; he pushed the hand gripping his shoulder away. It resisted slapping his hand away before continuing to shake him. Eventually opening his eyes, he was about to snap at whoever was touching him when he saw it was Katey. Something was wrong.

                Katey’s usual bright smile was gone, replaced by a trembling lip as her eyes welled up with tears. He quickly sat up as he reached out, smoothing her unruly hair as he asked, “What’s wrong? What is going on?” Had she heard her parents fighting? Most likely if it had woken him from his deep slumber. It would have woken her. Before she could answer his question she pushed herself into his chest, hugging him with her little arms. He rubbed her head as well as her back as he tried to soothe whatever had the little girl so worked up. Before he could get an answer the door snapped open allowing in Jonathan. They guy looked pissed and he couldn’t help but hug the little girl tighter to him. It was no use to Jonathan’s actions as he ripped Katey from his arms, a scream erupting from her tiny body.

“Go back to your room.” His voice was cold something like he had never heard before. It sent a shiver down his spine as he helplessly watched Jonathan throw Katey out the room and locking the door behind her. He walked back toward Jaycee, the same coldness that had been in his voice earlier in his stare.

“I thought I told you not to go to Louis party!” He shouted at him. “Do you even remember what had happened?” It took a moment for Jaycee to shake his head afraid that if he did then something worse would happen to him. But he shook his head no to which Jonathan drop his own head into his hand and shook it then. “Of course you don’t! Who would when they’re so drugged anyway?”

“Drugged? What do you mean I was drugged?” He asked but then already knew as he remembered the funny tasting drink Louis had given him. He signed knowing that he should have then listened to Jonathan but was too concerned about Katey standing up as he asked. “What’s wrong with Katey? She seemed pretty upset. Did she hear your parents fighting?” Jonathan’s eyes wide at Jaycee’s words before settling into their usually narrow glare. He didn’t answer but instead pushed Jaycee roughly back down on to the bed before sitting down next to him. Jaycee noticed he was in his own bedroom, the familiarity of it begging to set in.
“How do you feel?” Jonathan asked as he grabbed Jaycee chin in a tight grip making him have to look at the other. He tried to pull away but Jonathan spoke with his eyes, narrowing as he silently told him not to move. He let out a sign as he snapped, “I am fine.” But as he said this he noticed Jonathan’s eyes darting between his own checking to see if he really was alright.

“What is going on?” He asked already knowing that Jonathan was in a bad mood but could he really be so pissed just because he had gone to Louis’s party and gotten accidently drugged? Something was going on and he knew it had to do with their parents because of the conversation he had heard, as well as the sudden appearance of Frank. As he asked his question Jonathan eventually rested his eyes on the other, letting his lips thin into a deep frown. Jonathan let go of Jaycee’s chin as he pushed himself up on to his feet to walk around the room.

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