'We will love and protect each other' (Epilogue) Chapter: 14

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"One of my cherished mornings is when I wake up in your arms and see you sleep like a baby." -Unknown.


Caro baby.. <3 Thank you thank you so much for helping me, for giving me a general view on my required topic. I can't thank you enough for giving me the whole info on that, y'know-what-topic-I'm-talking-about, I'm hiding it cause I can't let my readers know it in the starting of this chapter as what I'm referring to. xDD But I can't stop myself from thanking you... <3 :* love you sho much.. <3 You're one nice, kind, stupid and funny friend, also a very smart and skilled nurse if you ask me. I bet you'd be very good at your job. If you think I'm exaggerating then I can't help but agree cause I am, I ramble whenever I'm happy & I'm happy right now because of you also I don't think that whole thing is a lie, everything I'm saying is nothing but truth and my true feelings, so why not tell you that? xDD I can't define how grateful I am, so Gracias my love.. <333

I'm reading back the above para and I feel like I just gave that type of speech which someone gives at the time of proposing someone... o-o lmfao

@all Go and follow her.. she is an amazing & a very intelligent person.. <3

^^gif of Tani on the cover... <3

WARNING: This chapter has a mature content, read at your own risk.

Enjoy reading (most probably) the last chapter of this book, I'll think about epilogue..xD



Tani's POV


December, At 7:00 AM.

It was a beautiful and cold morning, most of the sky was clear with some small black clouds on it showing that even after raining the whole night, still, it can rain again anytime. I was lying on my bed with my eyes closed to feel this beautiful day. I could hear some rustling sounds of the trees that were dancing with the waves of winds following the sounds of birds chirping like a sweet, smooth melody reaching to my ears. I slowly opened my eyes once again and then they got stuck to the beautiful view outside, after keeping myself in bed for a few more minutes, I felt a sudden urge to feel this weather closely. I felt too lazy to even stand but after giving it a second thought, I started struggling to stand to go towards the window. I sat up carefully, put my legs down then stood up slowly by using my hands where I held the sides of the bed with them before standing straight and then unconsciously my hand moves to hold my now sore belly. I took some baby steps towards the only window in our room and stood beside it. I felt heavy but that's what normal for me now. Whenever I feel heavy and something moving inside of me, I feel assured that the little-living-thing inside of me is alive and kicking. 

After taking deep breaths and after enjoying a little time with that beautiful weather, I turned around to have a better look on the face of a person whom I love and have given my everything to. I looked at him while he slept profoundly with his one arm draped over my side and the other on the side of his head. He didn't notice my absence and I could feel he was sound asleep, lost in his dreams somewhere. I smiled when I noticed his mouth was slightly ajar giving him a cuter look. He looked innocent, as always while sleeping, although he isn't. He isn't any innocent person when he is awake, I still remember those longer nights but I can't deny that I'd enjoyed those nights too. I laughed thinking about that and felt the soft kicks of that little nugget inside of me. I smiled again while holding my baby bump and humming the tune of a song to them. I wanted to reach Rezay and for that I slowly moved towards him when there I felt starting of my first contractions and I knew then and there that the time is near. Although the date was of next week but I was having the waves of pain since last night. I stopped moving and held the wall for a while thinking it'd be some wave of pain and will go after a while but it didn't and there I felt strong need of someone holding me cause I felt as if my surroundings were moving. I managed to call out my husband's name whose little nuggets were inside of me, but nothing came out of my mouth. I started sweating, I couldn't afford any fall to the floor as that'd be bad for me and my babies so I quickly and carefully moved towards my bed and almost fall at the soft mattress with a thud. I took deep breaths, held an alarm clock which was luckily near to me and threw at Rezay. He woke up with a pure shock and horror on his face and I felt pity for him, I didn't want to wake him up like that cause he stayed awake last night to take care of me but I couldn't help myself, I was having labor pain and I can't manage to wake him up softly when I myself in a very rough condition. He quickly lunged towards me on bed when he noticed my condition.

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