'Drama Queen, Baby Elephant and Ice cream..' Chapter: 07

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"Forever is a long time but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side." -Unknown.


^^Tani's gif on the cover.

Happy Reading!


3rd Person's POV

"Tani WTH?"

"What?" She said obliviously with her mouth full of ice cream.

"Why the hell are you digging in the whole tub of ice cream?" Badra asked her with wide eyes.

Ever since they all reached home, First Tani locked herself in her room for almost 2 hours saying that she was going to change, bath and pray. And when she came out, after completely ignoring her friends, she straight went to the kitchen and start digging in the newest tub of ice cream already available in their freezer.

"Can't you see? I'm devouring every bit of it, which is full of soft, velvety, icy chocolate with magical caramel coffee toppings and God... It's sweet-- sweet fragrance! It's helping me in chilling out." Tani said dreamily and Badra rolled her eyes.

"Yeah! I can see that." Badra huffed sarcastically right when suddenly from nowhere Molly jumped on Tani which made her choke on her ice cream. Badra screamed along with Tani by holding her chest and Tani started coughing while dropping her spoon filled of ice cream on her freshly cleaned baggy shirt in which she changed just recently. Seeing that she angrily pushed Molly away from herself who was now sitting on her lap after snatching her ice cream tub.

"What the-- hell was--- that Molly?--" She shouted still coughing.

"GOD! You're so heavy, go away..." She trailed off and again started coughing badly when Molly began to blab.

"How can you eat Ice cream alone while discussing its magical features in front of me? Y'know how much I love it, right? Now I'll too eat with you." She said excitedly and Badra once again rolled her eyes after shaking her head with disbelief.

"You two are just---unbelievable--" She stopped when Yasira entered in the dining room while shouting.

"What happened, what happened? I heard someone screami---" She stopped when she found Molly sitting on Tani's lap and Tani struggling to get her out of her way.

"What in the world you two are doing?" Yasira asked with shock filled face.

Tani sighed angrily and said, "I was eating ice cream to forget my real life tensions when this baby-elephant jumped on me from nowhere just to snatch my precious tub of ice cream."

"What? You were trying to forget your-- what? Real life problems? What does it even mean? What happened with you?" Those three girls asked in unison when she again sighed heavily and with all her might tried to push Molly down on the floor who still didn't budge a bit, she groaned frustratingly, turned towards them and said shrugging after nodding unconsciously,

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