4 | After Midnight

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"Damon calm down. It was just a joke." Steven yelled at his brother, holding him back.
"That little bitch deserves it!" He yelled through gritted teeth, his vampire eyes starting to show.
"Damon, calm down. Right. Now. Your showing." He whispered harshly at his brother.
"Fine!" Damon yelled walking away and sitting in the dark corner.
They all gave me a slight glance to see if I saw anything, in which I did.
"Guys chill out. I know. I know about all of you." I laughed.
"Oh." A few people in the room said.
"How'd you find out?" Jeremy asked.
"About you guys, or the supernatural?" I asked with a smirk.
"Us?" Elena suggested.
"Bonnie told me." I told them.
"So you knew about the supernatural before you came here?" Stefan asked surprised and a little confused.
"I sound out in freshman year. My best friend was bit by a werewolf."
"I thought werewolf could only be turned through birth?" Caroline stated confused.
"Both ways work. There are appear entry different types of werewolf's out there. Tyler, your werewolf, he turns on the full moon. And can't transform at will. My werewolf's can be born that way or bitten, but only by an alpha. Those werewolf's need to learn to control during the full moon, then they can turn at will with no pain. They get glowing eyes, depending on their werewolf rank, claws, and lots of facial hair. Along with the normal abilities." I said it detail so they could understand it all.
"So no pain?" Elena asked.
"Yeah, well it does hurt when they don't have control. It changes once they do."
"How do they learn control?" Bonnie asked.
"With an anchor."
"Like a boat anchor?" Matt asked.
"No, a mental anchor. A person, feeling, or memory. They use their anchor to keep calm when they start to turn."
"How do you know all this?" Damon asked suspicious.
"I have my ways." I laughed.
"What did you mean by 'your werewolf's'?" Damon asked.
"Well I'm, was, is? I don't know, but I was in a werewolf pack."
"What? I thought humans couldn't be in packs." Caroline said.
"I guess I'm an exception, and of what I know of other, friendly, packs is that having a few humans is normal. Especially mates."
"Mates?" Matt asked.
"God, so many questions." I sighed.
"Their basically soul mates of supernatural creatures. Everyone has one. Whether it be a human, or another supernatural."

"Well vampires probably out live their 'mates', so what's the point?" Damon scoffed, not expecting an answer.

"Actually, for immortals, their mates just become reborn. Kind of like reincarnation. Once mates are "mated" they share one life force. If one does, so does the other. If ones immortal, the other becomes immortal. And so on."
"I think you know more about the supernatural, then I do magic." Bonnie laughed.
"You learn a lot over the years." I shrugged.
"Okay enough of this serious talk. Who's up for shots?" Damon asked.
"I'm up." I smiled.
"Okay, your getting more bearable." Damon rolled his eyes then left.


When Damon finally came back with PLENTY alcohol, we decided to turn up the party a little.
Everyone was doing shots. Like lots. We finished a jug of fireball, a bottle of vodka, and god knows what else.
What better way to become friends with someone, then to get drunk with them. God only knows what happened that night. I sure don't remember.


"Ugh, what time is it?" Matt groaned, waking the rest of us up.
"What the he'll happened?" Bonnie let out.
"We had fun, for once." Damon smirked.

God damn, does he ever lose that smirk? Its quite annoying.

"Shut up Damon. My head hurts." Elena groaned.
"Oh!" I jumped up, I probably gave myself whiplash.
"I know a spell that get rid of headaches!" I smiled.
I realized what I just said. It was supposed to stay on the down low.
"Your a witch?!" They yelled.
"Maybe?" I said giving a nervous smile.
"Actually, that doesn't surprise me. Their related. Witch blood." Jeremy said through a pillow.
"Well then, it seems we have us a little magic pain killer at our fingertips. Now, skinny, work your magic." Damon demanded, pointing at his head.
"Since you asked so nicely." I rolled my eyes.

I stood in the middle of the room and said my few little words. "Caput dolet abiit." And everyone's head aches were gone.
"Thank freaking god. I thought I was dying." Matt said.
"But what time is it?" He asked for the second time.
"One in the afternoon." I said looking down at my phone.
"SHIT!" Everyone yelled, eyes bulged.

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