3 | Missile

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"You ready to go?" Bonnie asked, knocking on my door.
"Yeah, I just need to find my phone." I told her as I was digging around thought my stuff.
She came in and asked "Can I help look for it?"
"Yeah, sure."
"What if I try calling it? It would be a perfect time to get your number." She suggested.
"Good idea." Then I proceed o tell her my phone number.


"Okay, it's ringing." She said with her phone up to her ear.

We heard a bussing from the desk. I got up and walked over to it. I looked through the draws and didn't find anything.
"Where the hell is it?!" I asked frustrated.
"Let me try it again." She called agin and I carefully listened to it this time.

My eyes shot over to my laptop. I lifted it up and there was my phone.
"Of course last place I look." I scoffed at myself.
"Thank you." I said to Bonnie.
"No problem, now let's go."
"Okay." I agreed then we left the house and got into her car. So we wouldn't waste gas.


"How far away is it?" I asked.
"Not that far, maybe five minutes." She told me.
"Are we going to someone's house?"
"Yeah, it's Tyler's party. He has one like every weekend."
"Doesn't her ever get caught?"
"His moms the mayor." She informed me.
"Awe. I see." I nodded.


"And we're here." Bonnie smiled as she pulled the car to a stop in the long driveway.
I could already hear  the loud, blasting music.
"Looks fun."
"Come on, let's go." She said to me, getting out of the car.
She waited for me to walk around the other side of the car, then we walked in together.

Right when we entered someone had already came over to us.
"Bonnie! Stiles! Your here!" Caroline yelled with a huge smile on her face.
This girl was other really drunk or she was just crazy.
"Come on, I want you to meet everyone else." Caroline smiled and pulled me through the hallways.
Bonnie just rolled her eyes and followed after us.

We finally stopped in a more quiet part of the large house.
"There in here I think." She smiled.
God, does this girl ever stop smiling?

She pushed open the doors and pulled me inside, Bonnie following in suite.

"Guys, this is Stiles, Bonnie's cousin." She told the residents of the room.

"Hey Stiles." Elena smiled.
"Hi, Elena." I smiled back.
The next person to greet me was a tall brown hair guy. He had a very sharp jaw-line.
"Stefan." He smiled sticking his hand out.
"Stiles." I smiled back, shaking his hand.
"So how come we never heard about you before?" Stefan asked curiously.
"Actually, we only found each other recently." I told them.
"Stiles, come sit over here." Caroline smiled, signaling to the spot between her and the guy sitting next to Bonnie.
I nodded and sat down.
The guy turned to me and smiled.
"So this is Bonnie's boy?" I laughed.
"Mmmhhm." Bonnie hummed.
Me and Jeremy laughed at that, along with everyone else excepts for Bonnie.
"Stiles, you already know Matt don't you?" Bonnie asked.
"Yeah. Hey." I smiled at him, across the room.
"Who are we missing?" Caroline pondered.
"Oh! Damon and Tyler." She answered her own question.
"Let's hope both of those meetings stay postponed as long as possible." Elena said.
Stefan and Jeremy laughed at that one.
Then the doors banged open.
"I jinxed it." Elena sighed.
"Well hello there my good friends." A very attractive, tall, black haired man smiled with a large bottle of bourbon in his hand.
"And who might this one be?" He smirked at me.
"That's Stiles. Bonnie's cousin." Caroline said.
"Well, who knew little Bon Bon has any family left!"
"Damon, don't be an asshole." Stefan glared.
"That's Damon?" I asked Bonnie a little surprised.
"We're you expecting something else?" Damon smirked.
"Yes actually. I heard you were a hand full, but I didn't think you were literally only a handful." I smirked back.
Damon's smirked dropped to a death glare.
(Do you get the joke? haha lol im not a comedian.) its not funny.)
Everyone bursted out laughing.
"Who knew a Bennett could have such a great sense of humor."

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