i. | Devil You Know

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[BEWARE: THE ORIGINALS SPOILERS, I think only season 4 though.][Sorry slow burn haha I'm evil.]

"Good morning, love. Sleep well?"


"Is something the matter?" Klaus asked, actually caring for Stiles' state of mind.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm good."

Klaus raised his brow, giving Stiles a look of how 'stupid it is for you to lie to me because I can tell if your telling the truth, now fess up'.

Stiles sighed.

"It's just that I kinda miss Bonnie. I know that it's been a while, so I've been thinking that maybe I could, you know, go visit her in Mystic Falls? Maybe see Elena and the others?" Stiles proposed the idea, but he knew the answer.

"I don't see the point in going all the way back to that horrendous town. You know I can't go there anyway. Hope is at that damn school of Alaric's. God knows if you go back there will be trouble. Troubles always follow the Mikaelson's. And visit them? You barely even knew those twerps when you were there last!  I will not have it." Klaus argued, half yelling.

"I understand about Hope, but what about me? Every time I even mention Bonnie or my other friends in Mystic Falls you explode! I barely talk to Bonnie. We talk like maybe twice a year. Does it ever occur to you that maybe I want to spend some time with my last living relatives?"

"What, are we not enough for you? Am I not good enough? You have been with me for years now Stiles. Now you just want to run back?" Klaus yelled, nostrils flaring. 

"You know that's not true. I love all of you. The Mikaelson's have been so good to me. These past few years have been amazing. Some downs, but plenty of up's."

"Then why? Why must you argue on this subject with me?!" Klaus demanded.

"BECAUSE I'M ALONE!" Stiles finally burst.

"What?" Klaus said, taken aback. 


"Stiles, tell me."

"For awhile now, I've felt, secluded. Alone. Cut off from everyone else, the world."

"I don't understand. Because of The Hollow?"


"Was it something I did?"

"No, of course not. I trust you."

"Then what?"

"I don't really know. I have this feeling. Every time we're all together, every time we have a good moment, it feels like a hole opens inside me and sucks all that happiness away. I wish that didn't happen, I really do. But I can't help it. I don't know how to be happy anymore. And it's only gotten worse after The Hollow. I miss the others too." a single tear slides down his cheek.

Klaus was quiet.

"And you think going to see Bonnie will help?"

"Maybe. I'm hoping."

Klaus sat there in his seat, pondering.

"Maybe, if I can reconnect, it'll spark something."

Klaus still hadn't said anything.

Stiles looked at his feet.

"Please Klaus. I'm not running on much anymore..."

"Give me a day, alright?" Klaus sighed.

Stiles nodded.

Klaus sighed and walked up the steps of their semi-new mansion, up to his quarters.

Stiles sat in silence at the table full of different breakfast items, but too sick to his stomach to touch a single crumb. 

"What do I do Freya? He wants to go so bad

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"What do I do Freya? He wants to go so bad. I think he needs to." Klaus said through his phone.

"I don't know Klaus. Maybe it's time to let him go? I know you love him, we all do, but maybe this has all gone too far." Freya sighed.

"But I can't just let him go. I can't Freya..."

"I know. maybe you should tell him before he finds out about all this."

"Maybe you are right sister."

Klaus paused in thought.

"I'll call soon with news."

"Alright, bye Klaus. Good luck."

  Klaus said goodbye quickly as he heard footsteps echoing up the stairs, through the hallway. 

"Stiles, love?" Klaus asked.

"Hey, um, I was wondering if maybe we could go visit Freya?"


"Look. I know we can't go to Mystic Falls. I moved on. But we haven't seen any of the others in a while. So I thought maybe we could, you know." Stiles shrugged.

"We haven't seen anyone for good reason."

"I know that."

"We can't go to New Orleans-"

"Then we'll meet her somewhere else! Please, Klaus." Stiles pleaded desperately.

"Fine. I'll call Freya and let her know we're coming."

"Yes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Stiles celebrated giddily.

He ran over and planted a kiss upon Klaus' cheek.

"Thank you." Stiles smiled then excitedly walked out of Klaus' room to his own, to pack.

Klaus blushed slightly, his old dead heart beating quite quickly.

He pulled his phone out and clicked on Freya's contact once again.

"Klaus? Is something wrong?"

Klaus coughed, shaking off his flustered-ness. 

"Yes, sister. It seems there has been a change in plans."

"I'm listening."

[I hope you all enjoyed the change in the story. I promise there will be a little more action in the up coming chapter(s). Don't stop reading now! It only gets better from here...]

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