2 | Dark of Nights

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"Nice house." I actually really liked it.
"Thanks. I've lived here since I was a kid." She smiled.
We grabbed my bags and carried them inside the house.
"Rooms upstairs. Follow me." She lead me up some stairs into another hallway.
"My rooms here, your's is the one next to it." She told me.
"Okay." I said.
She opened the door to my new room.
I looked around the room. It seemed alright. Good color scheme, nice bed.

Not that I'm picky or anything.

"Is this okay?" Bonnie asked.
"It's great!"
"Well I'll take it. Bathrooms straight across the hall, and when your ready just come and get me. I'll be in the living room." She told me.
"Alright." I agreed.
She smiled, then left.

I let out an exasperated sigh and set my bags on the bed.
I've only been in Mystic Falls for a little while, and I already like it. I just hope I don't screw everything up.

I started unpacking my stuff, putting shirts, hoodies, and flannels in the closet. Pants and shorts in the dresser. Along with socks, underwear, and bets, etc.
I put my laptop, Chargers, and other little items I brought, on my desk and around the room.


When I was finally finished unpacking I fell back into the bed.
I'm tired. I just want to sleep.
I started to close my eyes when Bonnie came in.
"Hey, before we go, u think we should talk about some things." She stated in all seriousness.
"Okay. How about right now?"
She nodded.
"May I?" She gestured to the bed.
"It's your house." I smiled.
She sat on the bed and crossed her legs.
"You were probably wondering about some things. I'll go over this quick. I know about the supernatural, that's why I agreed to have you here, plus I wanted to meet my cousin. I'm a witch, your a witch, and I'll be teaching you things that Alan could not. He already told me what you know so when we start training we don't have to repeat things."
"Okay, I assumed most of those thins." I nodded along.
"My friends, the ones you met earlier, that know. My other friends do too."
"That your a witch, or the supernatural?"
"Both. You see, Elena and Caroline are both... Vampires."
"Vampires?" I asked a little surprised.
"Doesn't surprise me. I was in a pack of werewolf myself." I shrugged.
"Wait, really? I didn't know werewolf's could have humans in their packs." She sates surprised also.
"I guess I was an exception." I shrugged again.
"Okay then, and you don't need to worry about them, they won't hurt you."
"I didn't think they would. They seem to nice." We laughed.
"Damon on the other hand..."
"Another of your friends I'm guessing?"
"Yeah, he, Stefan, Elena, and Caroline are all vampires. Stefan's really nice, Damon's a hand full. Jeremy, Elena's brother, my boyfriend, is a vampire hunter but he's friends with all of us. Tyler's a werewolf, and Matt, he's a human." She went over all her supernatural friends.
"Is he the bartender at that place?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Okay, yeah, I met him earlier."
"Oh, cool. I presume he was nice?"
"Very much so."
"Well that's good. He's like the nicest one out of all of us."
"I don't know, Caroline seemed like a cupcake." I laughed.
"She's like that now, cause she's happy. Don't get on her bad side."
"Noted." I raised my hands in defense.
"Anything else I should know?" I asked.
"I don't think so. Im actually really surprised on how that just went. I thought you would freak out."
"I've had to get used to some weird shit pretty fast, many times in my life." I laughed.
"Same. Shit happens."
"It does, doesn't it?"
"Yeah, well I'll let you get ready. See you down stairs."
"What?" She asked.
"Where are we going?"
"A party. Wear whatever you want, doesn't matter."
"Okay, I'll be down in a few."
"Okay, bye." She smiled then walked out, shutting my door.

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