8 | Nitesky

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"Stefan just texted me. He said they just got there and the the doors are blocked." Elena said.
"We're almost there." Caroline said speeding through the street.

Once we got there, we jumped out of the car and ran up to the house.
I do t really think anyone cared what happens to these people but I feel they're more concerned about their friends and they did say that one of them was a decent person so...

"Have you gotten in yet?" Bonnie asked.
"For we did, don't you think we'd be in there already?" Damon sass'd.
Bonnie rolled her eyes.
"We were waiting for you guys. Just go around to every door and once you find one, call for the others."
"That's you plan?" Caroline asked.
"It's the best we got blondie, now go." Damon said.
We nodded and spread out. I ran around to the back, not knowing if any of the other had decided to
Come with me.
There were two back doors and I ran up to the one I was closest too.
I pulled at hard as I could to open the door but it wouldn't budge.
I ran over to the next door, but that one didn't move either.

I let out a frustrated sigh and turned around to hear the other door fly open and someone zoom out and something hit my head, causing me to loose consciences.

Bonnie's POV.

We've been trying to get into this house for ten minutes, when all of a sudden we hear the locks on the doors unlock.
We froze and looked to each other.
Damon and Stefan slowly went inside to inspect the house for danger.

They came back a few minutes later.
"No ones in here." Stefan said, coming out of the house. Damon following in suite.
"The back doors are unlocked too." Damon said.
"Wait... Didn't Stiles go to the back?!" Caroline realized aloud.
"Shit..." Damon said.
We ran around the back to see a little puddle of blood on one of the back steps.
Stefan walked over to it and inspected it.
"It's his." Stefan said sadly.
"No, no, no, no, no..." I said hysterically.
"He's been here for only two days and i've already gotten him sucked up into this mess! It's all my fault..." I said almost in tears.
"Bonnie, it's not your fault. We'll find him. Everything will be okay." Elena said hugging me, and reassuring me.
"We'll find him. They couldn't have gotten far. If he's bleeding then we should be able to track him." Stefan said.
Him and Damon took of into the forest behind the house.
Elena, Caroline and me stood there hugging, me crying.
"It's okay Bonnie. We'll get him back and Klaus will pay. They all will." Matt said rubbing my back.
I nodded.
"I-I just can't lose him. I only met him a little while ago but... I can't lose him. I can't lose anybody else..." I said.
"You won't..." Caroline said.
"Could you try a locator spell?" Elena asked.
"I can try. The originals block my signal almost every time I try to find them."
"It's worth a shot." Caroline agreed.
"Let's go back to your house. Damon and Stefan will let us know if they find anything." Elena said. And with that, us three went back to my house, while the remaining other went home to wait for news.


We went back to my house and I started to set up for the spell.

"Caroline, can you go find anytime of personal item from his stuff upstairs?" I asked.
"Sure." She said running upstairs.
"What can I do?" Elena asked.
"Can you get me a bowl from the kitchen?"
"Yeah." She said nodding her head.

Caroline and Elena came back at the same time with the needed supplies and I started the spell.
I laid out the map and put the necklace that Caroline brought down, in the bowl.
Since we're related I used my own blood, so I slit my palm open and dripped blood into the bowl.
I said the spell then pour the blood onto the map. In the spot of Mystic Falls.
I said the spell again and the blood started to move.
I smiled but just as soon as hope came, it left.
The blood started to take shape of two words.

Nice try

It had those two words spelt out in the blood.
I let out a frustrated groan and pounded my hand on the table.
"What if we never find him?" I asked.
"We will." Elena said.
"But..." I started.
"Bonnie. We promise. We will find him." Caroline said.
I let out a sigh and nodded. We will find him. I know we will. I just hope he will be okay until then.

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