|Meet n Greet|

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Kmn. Also I did a rant. On my random things i do with my life book check it out!! #selfpromo k now with this horrible things

I decided to go to the mall and buy some clothes. I really don't know what I want. I buy some converse and Vans and by a 'please kill me now' shirt. *sigh* I hear some chattering near me and a fuck ton if people. It was a Meet n Greet. But who was there. I get a bit closer.

It was Roman. "Yo what's going on dude." I look behind me to see Martin. "Hey dude sup." "What are you doing at the mall?" "Just buying shit ya know so who is that?" "You don't know who that is?!" "Um.. No.. Am I supposed to?" "He's Roman from the talk show." "Oh the one with the Russian accent." "Bingo." "Thanks dumbass." "Oh fuck you." "Love you too."

I was getting this weird feeling in my stomach... Like something bad was happening. Like.. The event from 6 years ago.

* a hour later*

Maybe nothing would happen. Everyone was happy. Martin was tired. I slapped him awake each time. I don't know how I'm not tired from standing in the same place for a hour.

We decided to meet Roman so..we went in line for the Meet n greet. "Thank you it was nice to meet you." He said to some of his fans. We were pretty close and that's I guess good. Martin was getting bored so he was on his phone and kept bumping into me.

"Damnit Martin." "Hello who might you be?" It was Roman talking to me. "Oh um.. Hi I'm Calvin and this is my freind Martin. We are fans of your talk show." "That's nice here is a autograph" "thanks" he shakes my hand and Martin's.

Then it happens again... The 'purple mist' it is back after 6 years. That was pretty sad for me. "Calvin what's wrong?" "N-nothing Martin." Everyone was again stuck in that trance. Somehow Martin wasnt in the trance.

I look to see Roman and some guy who looks like a paintbrush. Walk into some 'Portal' I look at Roman. He was the only one alive with me. The 'purple mist' surrounds him. "MARTIN!" "CALVIN!" the mist takes him into that portal

I was getting kinda scared but I have to save Martin. And maybe I can find my long lost bestie.

Don't worry Martin I'm coming for you. I'll try to find you Austin..

(We gotta start a trend #ihate)

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