Chapter 28 - Rivalry

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As the sleep began to seep out of my body I became aware of one of two things. The first being that I had to deal with Angelo and his - not so dead - big brother and the second being that in bed with me was only one of my boys. Turning around in Angelo's arms I placed a loving kiss on his chest before asking, "Where is our son?" To which his only response was an unintelligible grumble. Sitting up I looked around in the room before nudging him over. After giving a tired sigh he rolled over and sat up with me scanning the room with sleepy eyes.

Looking over at the door only to see it slightly ajar, I pointed this out to Anglo before getting up hastily and putting on the robe which I found in the closet last night. Jumping into some jogging bottoms I am guessing he borrowed from his brother, Angelo and I rushed downstairs to find the most surprising sight. Diego was flipping pancakes while still wearing black slacks and a black collared shirt which he had rolled up to his elbows. The kitchen was an absolute mess. There was flour on every surface. Egg shells litered the floor and pancake mix was splattered on the walls.

Gabriel sat on the counter near Diego but not too close he was in any danger of being hurt by the stove, flour was in both Diego's and Gabriel's hair. What made the situation even more comical was the fact that Diego had a cigar in his mouth and was taking orders from Gabriel.

"You gotta make a smiley face out of chocolate syrup like mummy does uncle D!" Gabriel shouted out with his arms crossed.

"Hey Kid, i'm doing the best I can okay. I ain't cooked for nobody in a decade" he said while exhaling the smoke.

Putting his head in his hands Gabriel gave out a big sigh and shook his head from side to side before meeting his uncles eye's. "Well, just stop burning all my pancakes. I'm hungry so you not got to do anything fancy, deal?" he negotiated with a pout.

"Si, sure thing little man. You got yourself a deal" he agreed before flipping the pancake

"Yay...Pancake! Pancake!" Gabriel yelled in glee.

"Okay, Okay God you're so loud" he said with a slight chuckle.

Unable to hide our amusement any longer we walked in to the kitchen. I thought it would be tense between the two brothers but after sharing a laugh with each other everything seemed - fine, well for now anyways. "Men" I scoffed under my breath.

"What happened?" I asked with raised eyebrows. "Well...your son over here came down here about an hour ago and ordered me to make him pancakes cause he was hungry" Diego responded with a half hearted scowl.

"Uh uh Mummy I said please and when I finally get my pancakes im gonna say thank you" Gabriel added while directing the last part to his uncle.

Diego placed a plate with some nearly burnt pancakes in front of Gabriel.
"Thank you. Can I have some syrup please uncle D." Gabriel said holding out his hand. After covering half the plate with syrup he cut a piece and put it in his mouth.

Everyone waited in anticipation and his reaction was hilarious. His small face turned into one of disgust and he instantly spat it back out onto the plate. After which he sent an accusing look towards Diego before sending us a pleading one. "Can we just go out for breakfast please?" he asked.

"Hey Kid, I slaved over that stove for you. It cant be that bad" and to prove his point Diego put a slice in his mouth only to spit it right back out too. After murmuring some colourful choice words in Italian he picked up a phone and asked for a maid.

After an eventful breakfast and some bonded moments thanks to Gabriel we decided to head back to the villa with the promise to visit again before we leave but I am very sure Angelo would be seeing his brother much sooner than we will as despite the acceptance of his brother's circumstances it was clear that there was still some tension between the two that needed to be sorted out.

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