Chapter 21 - The Wedding

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It has finally arrived my wedding day. I was sitting in front of my vanity table while the professional makeup artist, that Angelo arranged for me and the girls, just touched up my make-up. In just under and hour I would be Mrs. De Luca before God. Slowly I took in a shaky breath and opened my eyes. Looking back at me was a beautiful brunette, hair and makeup styled to perfection. "Come, quickly sweetheart we have to get you in your dress we are running out of time your father will be here any minute now." Came my mom's voice breaking me out of the small daze I had found myself in.

Smiling up at her I quickly stood up and was helped into my beautiful wedding gown by my mother-in-law, Adalina and my mother. While they were both fixing my trail my father came in to the room and stopped when his eyes found mine. "Oh" he breathed out, his chest lifting and falling dramatically with the whoosh of air that just left his body. His eyes started to water and seeing that made mine copy his. "Daddy" I said with a smile. He walked over to me and grabbed both of my hands in his own before looking over my face. " My beautiful little girl is all grown up, oh my god princess, where did the years go, huh? he said as a lone tear ran down his cheek. In all the years God has put me on this earth I have never once witnessed my father cry.

He has always been the rock of my family, strong, Alpha male. Never have I seen him show this much vulnerability before. My mother told me that the only time she has seen him cry was when I was born. After Summer my parents never thought they would have another child, it was hard enough getting Summer in the first place actually. You can say I am somewhat of a miracle.

Oh dad don't cry you'll get me started and I don't think Greta" I nodded towards the make -up artist who was just packing up "would be too pleased." I said with a smile while wiping his cheek.

"Damn straight I won't be happy" came a mumble from Greta making us all laugh.

"I think we did good, Veronica" he said to my mother pride in his voice. "Yes we did honey, Yes we did" my mother said coming round to give my dad a kiss on the cheek.

Adalina, Angelo's mother walked up to me and gave me a side hug. " Mio figlio is very lucky to have you as a wife and I am proud to call you Mia figlia.

Soon after the exchange my mother and mother-in-law left to go to the church leaving me and the girls who all looked stunning by the way to start making our way over there too. When we arrived in the limo that Angelo hired we got put in our positions and the bridal march song here comes the bride, by Vicente Avella began to play. "That's our cue princess, you nervous?" he said with a smile. "Yes, very." I breathed out. "Great, I would be more worried if you wasn't" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek.

The walk down the aisle felt like the longest minute and a half of my life. Halfway through I forgot how to breathe and was only reminded by my father's encouraging squeeze and then it happened. I looked up. I saw my future and just sent a little message to God hoping it was a happy and healthy one. When I caught his eye I thought my heart would beat right out of my chest. As cliché as it might sound everything really did stop and in that moment I didn't care whether he hasn't told me he loves me yet or the circumstances in which we came together. All I knew is that I loved him, I really did. I loved our beautiful son that brought this man to me. I was happy, and I felt so blessed in that moment I wanted to cry tears of joy.

When we reached Angelo I let out a breath before looking up at him and whispering a shy 'Hi' in greeting. " Hello, mia bella" he said with amusement clear in his electric blue eyes.

Clearing his throat to get our attention the priest began. " Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony...."

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