Chapter 4

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<<<~Chapter 4~>>>

Sebastian groaned and sat up, coughing out puffs of red fumes. It looked like they'd just fallen into another gross, dark, Tartarus-y tunnel. "Ugh, where are we now?" He rubbed his head and glanced around at the dust that remained from the debris.

"Luke? Uncle Nico? Random ugly-faced monster? Hello?"

"Who're you calling ugly, fish face?" Cut a feminine voice through the haze.

Sebastian groaned inwardly as the person came into sight. It was that Mina girl.

Her hair was still all perfect and in place while his probably was sticking out in all random directions. The only sign she'd gone through any struggle was a few dusty streaks on her face that went along with her personality anyways. He almost preferred the monsters.

He stood up, tried not to look annoyed, and asked. "Where's the rest of the class?"

"How would I know, stupid sea bass?" she said, annoyed. "Does it look like I just came back from Walmart?"

Actually, it kind of did. Mina was completely decked out in armor, with a celestial bronze sword, dagger, shield, and helmet. Sebastian raised an eyebrow in silent question.

She huffed with indignation and shot back, "This place is crawling with monsters! You can't hang around unprepared and I was doing completely fine until you came crashing through the roof like a fat whale!"

Nico's voice came from under a pile of debris. "It wouldn't have collapsed in the first place if you hadn't touched the supply closet." He'd told Sebastian once that he'd booby trapped all his stashes in Tartarus in case of any wandering monsters.

Nico brushed off his clothes although it didn't matter because it was black anyways and crossed his arms. "You kids are just like your parents. Now where's Luke?"

They all froze in silence with only the sound of the last crumbling rocks from above.


Sebastian and Nick began searching through the dusty piles of dirt. There were broken pieces of old fashioned columns everywhere and the cave-in had left a huge mound of debris in its wake.

"Over here!" Mina called. They all rushed to tug Luke from underneath what had once been the sealed doors. Sebastian's heart clenched as his eyes fell upon Luke's battered body.

He looked terrible. Unconscious, he moaned and twitched with bruises and cuts all over.

Nico cursed in Greek. "Mina, did you take the emergency ambrosia from the closet?"

She paled. "I used it already because I'd been scratched up from a crazy harpy."

Nico's face tightened with worry. "We have to take him back to camp. Lets hurry." He quickly scooped up Luke, who hung limply like a lifeless body. "Pray to Apollo this isn't like those incidents he had when he was a kid."

Sebastian absolutely hoped it wasn't.


Luke opened his eyes to an eerie ghostly atmosphere. He was still in Tartarus but everything seemed frozen, dark. He looked up and saw where they had fallen through from above.

"Sebastian?" His voice echoed around the empty, lifeless tunnels.

His head ached and he felt a subtle pull in a direction that his body was compelled to follow without hesitation. To the right.

He climbed over what used to be the the sealed doors from before, but now they lay useless and crumpled like tin foil.

Luke continued farther. He began to sense and heavy aura as the pull got stronger. Finally, the feeling disappeared as he found a black casket among the ruins. His mouth went dry.

Hadn't his father once told him that the pieces of Kronos had been trapped in a casket? But that once had been golden. This one was a regular ebony casket that had only faded illegible words inscribed.

Luke shivered. What if there really was a dead body like normal coffins? But it was like he couldn't resist. His trembling right hand slowly reached out and touched the cold surface.

A light flashed and Luke shielded his eyes, momentarily blinded. When he opened them, the lid of the casket had vanished. Inside, lay a seemingly asleep girl in a simple black dress. She had a petite body that looked like it could be nimble, and short, black hair that chopped off right below her chin.

Luke couldn't help but be awestruck at how peaceful she seemed. She was older than him yet her face was smooth and relaxed. As he moved closer to inspect her face, her hand twitched. She opened her eyes and Luke was sucked into the deep, dark violet pools of her irises.

Luke's soul felt like it was being slashed to ribbons, mashed up, and torn out of his body at the same time. He screamed, fell to his knees, and he was falling, falling down into the dark black pit of nothing, lost in an eternal mind of numbness.

<<<~Chapter 4 End~>>>


Heyyyyyy guys. So this is more of my writing montage that you have to deal with. :P sorry it kinda sucks so much but yeah please enjoy and vote and comment if you really enjoy it. :) thanks EE, Nero, and Jelly. Oh and EE if come up with some more of those spontaneous ideas, private message me ok? :) don't wanna give spoilers~. Ok buhbye I love you all.

Mango cremes,

Night of Nyx (Percy Jackson After Story FanFic) *discontinued for now*Where stories live. Discover now