chapter thirteen

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        Clarke sat down on the couch in her room and watched as Lexa ran her fingers through her recently unbraided hair as she moved to sit beside her. She reached out and ran her own fingers through the brunette's hair. "Want me to braid it for you?"

Lexa smiled and moved to sit down between Clarke's legs. The blonde had become very efficient at braiding her hair and Lexa actually preferred Clarke doing it than her own handmaidens. "There's something you'll need to start doing soon in preparation for our future bonding ceremony."

"Okay, what is it?" Clarke asked, curiously, as she began her work on Lexa's hair.

"You'll need to have lessons on being my wife," Lexa explained.

Clarke's fingers stilled mid braid. "I need to be taught how to be your wife?"

Lexa replayed her words in her head and knew that it had come off wrong. "No, of course not. That is not what I meant. What I mean to say is that you will need lessons on how to lead."

Clarke continued braiding Lexa's hair once she understood. "You want me to know how to rule in your absence?"

"Yes," Lexa confirmed. "If I'm away for whatever reason and you remain here, you will be in charge of certain things. Titus will help you learn how to dictate."

"Can't you just help me?" Clarke asked. "I've made progress with Titus and him teaching me anything will just set us back a thousand paces."

Lexa smiled. "You will be fine. All you have to do is listen to what he has to say."

"Yeah, easier said than done," Clarke mumbled. "Can this whole thing start later, though? I've decided to leave for Arkadia with my mom, Raven and Octavia. It'll just be for a few days."

"This is important, Clarke," Lexa said, hoping the blonde wouldn't argue with her. "You can't leave now."

"I understand that it's important but I'll have plenty of time to listen to Titus drone on about politics when I get back."

Lexa could tell this wouldn't end well so she decided to not push it anymore right now. "Will you at least have one lesson today... please?"

"Okay, I'll suffer through a lesson today," Clarke promised.

      The two remained silent as Clarke continued braiding Lexa's hair and once she was finished, she placed her hands on Lexa's shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. "All done." She pulled the brunette back gently and Lexa tilted her head back as Clarke leaned down to give her an upside down kiss.

A knock at the door caused Clarke to roll her eyes and she sighed as Lexa stood up, ending their moment. "Enter," Lexa said as she moved closer to the door.

Titus entered the room and moved to Lexa, whispering to her in Trigedasleng about how he had sent the scouts out to locate the members of the Ice Nation involved in plotting to harm Clarke.

Lexa nodded before looking the man in his eyes, hoping he would catch on quickly. "Clarke is ready for her first lesson on how to lead our people in my stead."

Titus didn't miss a beat. "I have a very enthralling lesson for you today, Clarke."

"I'm sure it'll be enthralling for anyone who isn't me," Clarke said as she reluctantly made her way towards the door, ready to get this over with.

Lexa nodded her thanks to Titus before he exited the room as well. She thought about other ways to get Clarke to remain in Polis. She wondered if Abby and the others would be willing to stay a few extra days.

         Deciding to go find Abby to discuss it with her, Lexa made her way outside and as she looked around for Clarke's mother, she noticed Octavia with the Nightbloods. She approached them and gently pulled a staff from one of the Nightblood's hands before stepping into the circle. Aden noticed his commander and stopped sparring with Octavia, stepping back to where the others were watching.

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