Chapter Seven

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(AN. Sup my fellow people. I was just wondering if you guys like more story and all. Vote and stuff.)

Clarke was lying in bed with Lexa, resting after thoroughly exerting themselves. "People are probably wondering where we are."

Lexa was lying on her stomach with her eyes closed as she spoke. "I'm not concerned about anything or anyone outside of this room right now, Clarke."

Clarke smiled and bent down to place a kiss on Lexa's shoulder. "We can't stay in bed. I wish we could but we have guests to entertain."

"They're not children; they can entertain themselves." Lexa opened her eyes and looked at Clarke with a small smile. "I would, however, enjoy entertaining you."

Clarke let out a breathy laugh. "And how do you suppose you'll do that?"

Lexa moved so that she was on top of Clarke and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips as her hand slid down the blonde's stomach.

Clarke gasped at the first touch of Lexa's fingers and slipped her tongue into the commander's mouth. They kissed until Clarke had to pull away for air and Lexa immediately moved her lips to Clarke's neck.

Clarke arched into Lexa's touch. "Jok ai, Heda(fuck me, Commander)," she breathed out.

Lexa stilled at the command and pushed herself up to look into Clarke's eyes. Her own eyes were dark with lust as she gazed at her love. "Say that again," she ordered in a voice barely above a whisper.

Clarke leaned up to capture Lexa's lips with her own and kissed for a few seconds before pulling away, nipping at her bottom lip. She smirked as she dug her nails lightly into Lexa's side. "Jok ai, Heda."

Lexa surged down, pressing her lips against Clarke's with renewed hunger. This was going to be amazing. Clarke could feel it. She was shaking in anticipation with how good Lexa was about to take her.

"Lexa, tou-,"

A loud knock at the door echoed through the room and Clarke stopped Lexa from moving off of her. "Just ignore it, please." She wanted this. She wanted Lexalike this. Lexa nodded and was about to kiss Clarke when the knock came again.

"Clarke!" Abby called from outside the door. "A bonding ceremony?!"

Clarke cursed under her breath and Lexa sighed as she moved off of the blonde. "Give us a moment!" Clarke yelled back in frustration. She ran a hand through her hair and looked at Lexa. "I'm going to kill, Titus."

Lexa pulled her shirt on. "Be my guest," she said, also annoyed by the interruption.

Once they were both decent, Lexa placed an assuring kiss on Clarke's lips before standing tall and readying herself for Abby Griffin. "Enter."

The door opened and Abby stormed into the room. "You're getting married? When were you going to tell me?"

"Later," Clarke replied. "A lot later." She narrowed her eyes at Titus.

"I wasn't aware that she didn't know," Titus informed them. "I can't be held accountable."

"Clarke," Abby began. "You're-,"

"I know I'm young," Clarke cut her off. "And I know this relationship is only a few months in, but Mom, I'm doing what makes me happy. Life is too short to live it any other way."

"Abby," Lexa began. "May we have a word in private?"

Clarke turned her head to look at Lexa in confusion.

"I would like that," Abby said.

Clarke hoped whatever she was about to say to her mother went over well. "I'll be right outside," she said to Lexa before leaving the room with Titus.

Once they were gone, Lexa began to speak before Abby could. "I recognize that it is difficult for you to watch Clarke grow up so quickly. And it must be even harder for you to accept that she has found solace in Polis-with me,but I assure you that I only want the best for her. In this world where life demands so much of us time and time again-we have each other. We understand each other better than anyone else ever could. I love your daughter and I can't promise much, but I can promise you that I will cherish her. I have no ill intentions here, Abby. I only wish to see Clarke happy; to be the reason only elevates my own happiness."

Anything negative Abby wanted to say about the future bonding ceremony vanished from her mind and she was overcome with relief. Relief that Lexa really did seem to have the best of intentions for Clarke and maybe she didn't have to worry so much all the time because Clarke had Lexa.

      Clarke and Titus were still waiting outside, impatiently, when Clarke decided to voice her frustration with the man. "Why are you trying to sabotage my relationship with Lexa?"

"I did not mean to tell your mother of your betrothal," Titus replied.

"If you weren't such an ass, I'd believe that," Clarke retorted.

Titus narrowed his eyes at Clarke. "I have served many commanders. I am an important figure. I am to be respected."

Clarke rolled her eyes. "I don't give respect freely."

"You are impossible. I don't understand why Lexa couldn't be interested in someone who isn't so vocal about her dislike of everything I do."

"Maybe you should stop doing things I dislike," Clarke suggested. Abby exited Lexa's room before Titus could comment and Clarke looked at her, curiously. "Is everything okay?"

Abby smiled. "You're both very lucky to have each other."

Clarke returned the smile before going back into her room. "What happened?"

"I explained to her how much you mean to me," Lexa replied. "She just wants you safe and happy, Clarke. She's content now knowing that I want the same thing."

"How are you so perfect?" Clarke asked, truly in awe of the woman before her.

Lexa tucked a strand of hair behind Clarke's ear. "Everyone is flawed, Clarke. Perfection is not-,"

Clarke chuckled and wrapped her arms around Lexa's neck. "Lexa, just kiss me."

Lexa kissed Clarke and it deepened quickly but before things could intensify between them, someone knocked on the door.

"Seriously?" Clarke huffed.

"What?" Lexa snapped at whoever was at the door.

The door was pushed open and Raven entered. "Geez, what kind of welcome is that?"

"Sorry," Clarke said, sheepishly. "We were-,"

"About to bang?" Raven responded, teasingly. "You'll have time for that later. We want to go exploring."

Clarke blushed at Raven's bluntness. "Okay, we'll meet you guys outside."

Once Raven left the room, Clarke looked at Lexa. "Just a few more days and it'll be just us again."

"What did Raven mean when she used the term bang?" Lexa asked, curiously.

Clarke laughed lightly. "I'll show you later," she promised before linking her fingers with Lexa's and exiting the room.

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