Chapter Four

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Lexa and Clarke arrived at the celebration and were immediately approached by Titus, who didn't look pleased with them at all. "You are late," he said to Lexa.

Clarke looked at Titus with a hint of a smile pulling at her lips. "Sorry, my fault."

"That doesn't surprise me," Titus replied. "You've always been a distraction."

Lexa looked at Titus with anger shimmering in her eyes. "Titus," she warned.

Titus backed down. "Enjoy the celebration, Heda."

Lexa watched Titus walk away before turning her attention back to Clarke. "Do you have to antagonize him?" She asked, clearly amused.

"He called me your bed warmer," Clarke stated. "I'm going to piss him off for the rest of his life."

Lexa reached her hand up with the intention of cupping the side of Clarke's face but when she remembered where they were, she let her hand drop back to her side. "That's not what you are to me."

Clarke smiled at the adorable frown on Lexa's face. "I know that. And please don't talk to him about it. I'll handle Titus on my own. For now, let's have some fun. Go get drunk, Commander."

Lexa rolled her eyes as she smiled. "I do not get drunk, Clarke. Besides, I want to be very sober for the things I have planned for you later." Her eyes trailed the length of her lover's body. Clarke was wearing tight jeans and a long-sleeved low cut shirt. "And I would love for you to be aware enough to enjoy it."

Clarke let out a breath and her eyes moved to Lexa's lips before meeting her gaze once more. Before she could say anything, Octavia and Raven approached them.

"Hey, there you are," Octavia said to Clarke as she handed her a cup. "Come join us." Octavia noticed the way the leaders were looking at each other and knew that the two had at least blurred the lines of their friendship if they hadn't crossed it already.

Clarke thanked Octavia for the drink and looked back at Lexa, a question in her eyes.

"Go," Lexa urged her lightly. "Enjoy yourself."

Clarke wanted to take Lexa's hand into her own and give it a light squeeze but settled for a small smile.

"You two go ahead," Octavia said. "I'll be right there."

Clarke met Lexa's gaze again and Octavia watched as the brunette nodded that it was okay for Clarke to leave them alone. Clarke gave Octavia a "behave yourself" look before walking away, hoping her friend wasn't about to start something.

"You and Clarke seem close," Octavia said, not wasting any time getting to the point of their conversation.

"We have dealt with a lot together," Lexa replied, not sure how much Clarke would want her to reveal.

"Some might say that your relationship seems more than friendly," Octavia continued.

"If you have something to say, then say it." Lexa wanted to get this conversation over with so she could enjoy the celebration.

"I don't know what game you're playing here or what your end goal is, but using Clarke to achieve it won't end well."

Lexa tilted her chin up slightly. "Careful," she sneered. "You are making a lot of assumptions."

Octavia narrowed her eyes at Lexa. "There's something going on between you two."

Lexa took a step towards Octavia. "Anything between us is none of your concern. You're forgetting your place here."

Octavia knew she was pushing it. She took a deep breath and decided to go join Clarke and Raven. "My apologies, Heda," she said without an ounce of sincerity.

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