Chapter eleven

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Lexa was sitting on the edge of her bed tying her boots up when she felt an arm circle her neck. She smiled and tilted her head to the side as Clarke began to place kisses along her neck. “Mm, sonop, ai hodnes(morning, my love).”

              Clarke nipped at Lexa’s ear. “Were you going to leave without waking me?”

              “I’m just leaving for a meeting,” Lexa replied. “I didn’t want to disturb you. I’ll be sparring with Octavia after if you want to watch.”

              “You’ll go easy on her, right?” Clarke asked as she rested her chin on Lexa’s shoulder.

              “No, but I’ll do my best not to break her,” Lexa answered as she moved to stand up.

              Clarke held the bedsheet to her chest as she shifted to sit down at the edge of the bed. “Lexa,” she began in a warning tone.

              Lexa bent down and kissed Clarke. “Octavia strikes me as the type to not want anyone to go easy on her.”

              Clarke sighed. “That is true. How long is this meeting of yours?”

              “Hopefully no more than half an hour,” Lexa replied. There was a knock at the door and Lexa looked to Clarke to see if she wanted to put her clothes on before she allowed whoever it was to enter.

              “I’m decent enough,” Clarke said.

              “Enter,” Lexa called out.

              The door opened and Titus entered the room, staying by the door as he spoke. “I was just making sure you would be on time to the meeting, Heda. Last time you were…,” he looked to Clarke, “distracted.”

              Clarke rolled her eyes. “That was one time.”

              Titus ignored her as he looked back at Lexa. “Are you ready, Heda?”

              “I’ll be out in a moment,” Lexa assured the man. Titus looked unsure of that and Lexa narrowed her eyes at the man. “Do you believe I lack self-control, Titus?”

              “Of course not, Heda,” Titus said. “I will wait outside,” he said before leaving the room.

              Clarke smiled as she got up from the bed. She trailed her hands up Lexa’s shirt as she leaned in to kiss her, testing the very self-control Lexa claimed she had. She sucked on the brunette’s bottom lip and then nipped it before pulling away. Lexa leaned forward to continue the kiss but then opened her eyes when Clarke leaned back to avoid her lips. Clarke was smiling mischievously as she quirked a brow at the brunette.

              Lexa understood the silent question and let out a huff. “We can’t. I have to go.”

              Clarke let the sheet fall to the floor, pooling around her feet and smiled as Lexa’s eyes trailed the length of her body. “Are you sure about that?”

              Lexa gripped Clarke by the back of her neck and pulled her in for a kiss. After several seconds, she pulled away and stepped back. “Using me to upset Titus won’t work today.”

              Clarke smirked as she moved to pick up the sheet to wrap back around her body. “I wanted a repeat of last night. Pissing off Titus would’ve just been a bonus.”

              Lexa smiled as she moved towards the door. “I will come find you later,” she promised before slipping from the room.

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