Chapter Ten

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(Hello you smexy people! I was just wondering if you guys are liking the story. Vote.)

Raven was exhausted and her leg was hurting a little more than usual but she felt good. She had unexpectedly enjoyed playing crate ball with her friends and the kids. She was about to sit down for a moment to relax in her room when she heard a knock at the door. "Yeah?" She called.

Lexa entered the room and walked over to the brunette before holding out a medium-sized wooden box for Raven to take. "This will help with your leg."

Raven took the box and opened it, seeing it packed with vials that contained a green liquid. "What is it?"

"Rub an entire vial of that liquid onto your leg and the pain should lessen or go away," Lexa explained. "That should be enough to last you awhile."

Raven was surprised by the kindness but skeptical of the medicine. "Did Clarke make you come give this to me?"

"Clarke doesn't know I'm here," Lexa answered.

Raven sat the box down on the table beside her. "Well, thank you. I appreciate it. This was very kind of you."

"Of course," Lexa said before turning to leave.

"Hey, do your friends approve of you and Clarke being together?" Raven asked, curiously.

Lexa turned back around to face the mechanic. "I do not have friends other than Clarke."

"Who did you have before Clarke?" Raven asked. "You know, to talk to about your feelings and to spend time with doing things other than being a commander?"

"I had Costia and my mentor, Anya," Lexa replied. "Both are dead now."

Raven was stunned. She at least had a lot of friends and Abby as her mother figure. "You don't have anyone else?"

"I have Clarke. She is more than enough."

"Well, you might not want us but you have me and Octavia now," Raven said. "And let's not make it a big deal," she quickly added. "That mushy feelings stuff can stay between you and your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" Lexa repeated the unfamiliar word.

"That's what Sky People call their female significant other when they are dating."

Lexa let the word roll around in her head for a moment. "It doesn't make sense," she concluded. "Clarke and I have an intimate relationship. She is more than a female friend. She's my lover. You would be my girlfriend."

Raven laughed. "Let's not go around telling people that. Actually, you should only inform Clarke of it. It's very important that she knows."

A knock sounded at the door and Octavia pushed it open without waiting for a response. "Oh, hey," she said when she saw Lexa in the room. "I hope we're still on for sparring tomorrow." She moved to stand beside Raven. "I'm looking forward to it."

Raven laughed. "Looking forward to getting your ass kicked?"

Octavia narrowed her eyes at her friend. "I can hold my own."

"We will still spar," Lexa promised her. "I won't go easy on you so I hope you fight as well as you seem to think you do."

Octavia grinned. "I hope you're not underestimating me."

"A warrior should never underestimate their opponent," Lexa answered. "You two enjoy the rest of your day."

Once Lexa was gone, Octavia moved to sit down and spotted the box on the table. "What's that?"

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