Chapter eight

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Lexa was outside with Raven and Octavia, playing a game of sorts with the two. They each had a bow and arrow and were shooting targets that had been set up a few feet away from them. Raven had never used a bow before but she had caught on quickly and with some instruction from Lexa, she was holding her own.

"So how did you and Clarke officially get together?" Octavia asked as Lexa prepared to shoot at a target.

Lexa focused on her target and said, "she kissed me" before releasing the arrow. It sailed through the air, easily hitting its intended target. Lexa looked at Octavia. "I had wanted to kiss her on many occasions but after the first time, I wanted to wait for her to be ready."

Raven looked at Lexa, curious to know more. "The first time? You had kissed before?"

Lexa nodded. "Before the war on Mount Weather I kissed Clarke but the time wasn't right. She wasn't ready."

"Wow, you two were a long time in the making," Octavia said, surprised as she readied her bow and arrow. "Clarke told us about your proposal." Octavia had been surprised by it but she was happy for her friend. Life really was too short not to follow your heart. "I trust that you'll treat her right."

Lexa nodded. "Of course."

"Raven smirked as a thought hit her. "Who tops? I need to know this for my life to be complete."

Octavia shook her head in exasperation. "Raven," she chided.

"Don't kill my fun, Blake," Raven replied before looking back at Lexa. "So?"

Lexa frowned. "I do not understand your question."

"It's an important Skaikru belief that there's a dominant and submissive person in a relationship," Raven explained with a grin.

"Neither of us is submissive," Lexa replied. "We're leaders and we support each other."

Raven shook her head. "That's great but I'm talking about when you're alone. When you're being intimate who takes control?"

"Clarke's going to kick your ass," Octavia muttered to the brunette who simply waved her off.

"That depends on the situation and the mood we are in. We're fluid about such things."

"But who is more dominate? Who's the top?"

Lexa furrowed her brows as she thought about it. "Well, I am usually on top but Clarke controls things most of the time."

"Power bottom Griffin and service top commander," Raven laughed. "I love it. Who would've thought, huh?"

Octavia couldn't help but chuckle. "Not me."

"Do Sky People believe one is better than the other?" Lexa asked. "Am I not seen as a fit companion now?"

Raven smiled and placed her hand on Lexa's shoulder, which caused the commander to look at Raven's hand as if it were a foreign object. No one touched her. Only Clarke. "You're perfect for Clarke. No worries, Commander." Raven moved her hand from Lexa's shoulder and returned her attention to their game.

"Which are you, Raven?" Lexa asked, guessing that it was important to know if sky people were dominate or submissive.

Raven grinned. "I'm a top all the way."

Octavia rolled her eyes. "Really?"

Raven shot her arrow and smiled proudly as it hit its target. "What? Don't believe me?" She asked Octavia. "I could prove it to you," she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at her friend.

Octavia laughed and playfully pushed the mechanic. "You're an idiot."

Clarke approached the three, stopping to stand beside Lexa. She had been tending to Aden, who had become injured while sparring and now had a sprained wrist. "Hey, what are you three up to?"

Octavia held up her bow. "Just some friendly competition."

"And conversation," Raven added with a grin. Raven set her bow down on the table nearby where a few arrows rested. "I better go rest my leg."

Octavia knew Raven was trying to make her escape before Lexa revealed anything about their discussion and smiled in amusement. "I'll go with you. We'll see you later, Clarke. This was fun, Lexa."

"Yeah," Raven agreed. "We should definitely spend some more time together before we leave."

Lexa nodded her agreement and watched the two leave before looking at Clarke. "How is Aden?"

"He's fine," Clarke assured her. "Did you enjoy your time with Raven and Octavia?"

"I did," Lexa set her bow down where Raven had placed hers. "They taught me something new about sky people beliefs."

"Oh, what beliefs?" Clarke asked.

"The belief that there is a top and a bottom in every relationship," Lexa explained. "Raven referred to you as a power bottom after I explained to her that you usually control things even though I'm on top a majority of the time."

Clarke was quiet as she thought about how she was going to kill her friends. She shook her head and linked her fingers with Lexa's before tugging her along. "No more spending time with them unless I'm present."

"Is something wrong?" Lexa asked, confused. "I thought you wanted us to get along."

"I do. I just think there are some things that should stay private between us that they might want to know."

"I disclosed too much," Lexa realized. "I apologize, Clarke. I was only trying to get along with your friends."

"I'm not upset, Lexa. My friends are misfits and I just need to be around to make sure they behave. Discussions of tops and bottoms is not usual sky people conversation nor is it one of our beliefs. It's a private thing between a couple."

"They were making fun of me?" Lexa asked, angrily.

"No, not at all." Clarke brought Lexa's hand up to place a kiss on her knuckles. "They were just having fun with you. That's actually a good thing. They're becoming comfortable around you."

Lexa relaxed and was quiet as she enjoyed the walk she found herself on with Clarke. After a few minutes, Lexa had a thought that she just had to voice. "Clarke," she began. "Are you satisfied with my position as a service top?"

Clarke couldn't help but let out a light laugh. "Lexa, I'm more than satisfied with any position we find ourselves in while having sex. I just love being with you." Lexa smiled at the answer as the two continued their quiet walk together.

Octavia was with Raven in her room, sitting on the sofa talking, when they heard a knock at the door. "Yeah?" Octavia called out.

The door was pushed open and Clarke entered, fixing her friends with stern stares.

Octavia stood immediately. "Okay, before you say anything, it was all Raven."

"Traitor," Raven huffed as she stood up. "Clarke it was hilarious. I had to do it. Besides, I was curious."

Clarke rolled her eyes but a smile pulled at her lips. "No more asking Lexa personal questions about our sex life."

"Won't happen again," Octavia promised.

"Can we ask you?" Raven asked, curiously.

"Raven," Clarke chided.

"What? I'm just so intrigued by you two. The sky girl who fell from the sky and into once ruthless commander's heart. It's all very sweet."

"I do have to agree with that," Octavia admitted. "You two are disgustingly cute together."

Clarke smiled at her friends. "Thank you." She gestured behind her at the door. "I'm going to go play with the Nightbloods. Want to come?"

Octavia frowned. "Won't Titus be upset if we interrupt their lessons?"

Clarke grinned. "Yes."

Octavia laughed as she followed Clarke out of the room with Raven. Today had been the first time she had smiled and laughed so much since Lincoln's death. The pain was still there but it wasn't overwhelming. She definitely understood Clarke's reasoning for wanting to stay. The blonde had found in Polis and now Octavia was healing in it.

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