Rainbow Veins (16)

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Leaf sat cross-legged on her bedroom floor, a woven purple blanket strewn across her knees, staring at her blue walls, she had been so pre-occupied that she had missed the fact that her wall decoration were longer to her tastings. She had drawings and photos stuck to her wall that reminded her of Jimmy - and he was the one person Leaf did not want to think about. As Leaf looked her walls, a idea began to spark in her mind.

An hour later three binbags were laying on her bed, overflowing with rubbish. Every single thing inside the bag had a memory attached, a memory that had once brought Leaf happiness. But things change and those memories now only reminded her of someone who had changed greatly. And Jimmy had not changed into the kind of person many people would want to be around. As Leaf tied strong knots at the top of the bags and threw them under her bed she could hardly contain her excitement the plans she had in mind for the rubbish.

* * *

"Leaf, the docwor said Hawwy was well enouf to come home now." Milly, Harry's little sister, informed Leaf, her smile was bigger than any smile Leaf had ever seen. There seemed to be a happy glow emitting of every single member of Harry's family - Leaf included. It didn't long to get Harry into the car, he may be weak but that didn't mean he was any less excited about finally going home!

"We've organised a welcome home party Leaf, you're invited. Obviously." Harry's dad told me as they parted ways at the car park. "It's at seven if you'd like to join us."

"I'll be there." Leaf told him, she was looking forward to it already.

* * *

Harry's house had a constant feeling of warmth and his family were very strict about spending time together, so when Leaf arrived at the door she felt accepted instantly. She wasn't treated like a guest anymore, she was treated like a member of the family. Harry hobbled up to greet Leaf, he was still weak and needed to rest for the next few days but the colour had returned to his face and he was becoming his lively self more and more by the second.

"Hello my little rainbow." Harry said, pushing a strand of Leaf's hair behind her ear. "I see you've died your hair back to purple." This was true, Leaf had decided that as much as she had enjoyed not being bullied for her bright hair colour choice, that it was about time she went back to her true self and brought back her originality brightness.

"No. My hair was always purple. Are the pain killers messing with your head Harry?" Leaf said, her best lying face on.

"Shut up, it was brown when I first met you. I may have been in a coma but every minute I spent with you is as clear as it was when it happened."

"Damn you and your incredible memory." Leaf said with a laugh. "I've missed you." She let herself be pulled into Harry's arms.

"I missed you too. I dreamt about you while I was in my coma by the way."

"You did?"

"Yeah. It was in the future, we had grown old together and we were reminiscing about our first date. You're a beautiful old lady, just saying." Harry pulled her over to the sofa and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Thanks. I bet you were a pretty handsome old man. That sounds cute though."

"It was cute, I already knew this but being on the verge of death kind of made me know that it's definitely true, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you Leaf. I really can't imagine not having you." His words shocked Leaf a little, it's not like she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with Harry - she couldn't think of better in fact - but nobody had ever said something so sweet to her, so when sweet little compliments and words came Leaf's way she didn't know what to do with them. Normally she would just smile and lock them deep them heart and mind until she was alone and could think about them without the risk of embarrassing herself, but this wasn't the sort of thing you could just smile off. This needed a reply.

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