Rainbow Veins (3)

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A/N... This chapter is going to mainly from Jimmy's view instead of Leaf. I know that would probably be kinda obvious when reading this chapter, but hey this is just incase you got confused. Anyway enjoy the chapter!

Jimmy left Leaf, he was pleased with himself, he had never been brave enough to tell Leaf how he felt about her, but now finally his and Leaf's feelings towards eachother had come out. Jimmy couldn't stop himself from smiling, a huge weight had been lifted from both his shoulders and his heart. Now his next task was to actually ask her out... Properly. Jimmy's relationship's had never gone further than holding hands with the girl and kissing her, so he was practiced in that, but he had never actually been on a date with someone. It looked as if this task was going to prove to be just as hard as the last one.

Jimmy collapsed onto his bed, racking his brains for ideas on how to ask Leaf out, but his brain continued to fail him. He had tried asking his brother for help, but all he had done was grunt a, "Dunno" before returning to his video game. Even if he had bothered to even glance at Jimmy, he probably wouldv'e been no help at all, Jimmy doubted his real life girl experiences, if he had been asking for help on completing the next stage of his game, his brother wouldv'e been more than happy to help, but alas, he wasn't. There was only one other person Jimmy could ask for help, Noel Green, the schools biggest player. Noel had wined - well technically there was no wine involved - and dined many girls in his lifetime, so he had to be an expert in asking them out.

Two hours later Jimmy arrived at the local park, his bike needed oiling badly and the squeaking was annoying him, but his mind was filled with much more important issues than his bike. Noel was already at the ramps, his bike soaring above everyone else. Jimmy waved at him before making his way over.

"'Sup Jimmy, what's your big problem?" Noel asked, getting straight to the point.

"Well ummm, I was hoping you could help me with...."

"With what? Come on man, I haven't got all day."

"With girl troubles." Noel nodded as if he already knew his troubles.

"Follow me." And with that Noel began peddling across the field. He seemed to be leading them towards the woods, which scared Jimmy a little, as the sun was already dipping behind the clouds to make way for the moon.

Noel stopped in a secluded area and turned to face Jimmy.

"Sorry to drag you all the way in here, but I didn't want the boys at the skate park thinking I was gay, that would be awkward." Noel sang the awkward, Jimmy had to stop himself from laughing, so turned his laughter into a cough. A long cough.

"So I guess your having troubles asking a girl out?" Jimmy nodded.

"First off, who is it?"

"Leaf Atkins." His face reddened as he spoke.

"Crazy rainbow girl... Woah."


"Well she's y'know, a little weird and she's not even good looking, she has that gross purple hair."

"She's not that bad." Jimmy's fist's balled up out of anger, he wouldn't actually punch Noel, but it made him feel better to know he was ready if he needed to.

"I can't even tell you how to ask her out man, she's just too weird." And then he left, leaving Jimmy with his problem and a whole lot of anger.

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