Rainbow Veins (14)

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Leaf visited Harry every day for a week, but as the days passed she began to get weaker. Her heart couldn't cope with seeing Harry in this state, he didn't seem to be getting any better, he just always stayed in the condition - lifeless. Every now and then he would smile or frown in his sleep, she wished she knew what he was dreaming about, it's probably something really sweet... Or random. Everytime she entered Harry's hospital room, she wanted scream at Jimmy. But she was too much of a coward to go find him. Leaf was scared that as soon as she saw him she would break down, scared that everything would come crashing down around her, scared of facing up to what this actually was - because essentially this is just an act of jealousy, an act of jealousy taken to far. Leaf promised to Harry that she would talk to Jimmy about this before he woke up, so if her wishes come true, she didn't have long.

The sea of students loomed down on Leaf like a dark shadow, she had a task to find Jimmy and nothing else mattered to her today. The recognisable figure of one of Jimmy's gang mates fell into Leaf's vision, she knew he would be meeting Jimmy before lessons started, so she decided her best bet on finding him would be by following this boy. Leaf ducked into the crowd and wound around the streams of people, she never lost sight of the guy she was following and he never saw her. Just as she'd expected Jimmy was sat on a bench in the far distance, his pale skin standing out against the dark clouds behind him. Now she had found Jimmy there was no need to continue following this unsuspecting boy, so Leaf cut through the crowd and waited for the perfect moment to confront Jimmy, preferably when some of his friends had gone, it would be less embarrassing for her then.

Finally after five minutes if waiting for the right moment and two minutes of getting together a good argument, Leaf descended on Jimmy. Her heart was rattling nervously around in her rib cage, but no matter how nervous she was, Leaf wasn't backing down now. As Jimmy spotted her coming towards him, his face seemed to light up, as if he was expecting Leaf to just forgive him and take him into her arms again. If anything this fuelled Leaf's anger more, his stubbornness just made her blood boil.

"Jimmy, we need to talk." Her voice sounded braver than she felt.

"Talk away sweet thing." Jimmy replied with a wink.

"Jimmy don't. We aren't together anymore, hell we never were together. You told me you loved and then carelessly broke my heart. And as if that wasn't bad enough you stabbed my boyfriend. He is in a coma Jimmy." His face never broke out of a smile throughout her whole speech. "Are you even listening to me?" She continued, her voice rising.

"Yup, something about being together and a coma." His tone was happy as he talked.

"You've changed so much Jimmy. You used to be so sweet and kind and now you're a horrible person. Your hanging out with the wrong crowd, and you know it's true."

"That's a lie Leafy." She couldn't take this anymore, her anger was overflowing and pulsing around her body. Leaf raised her hand and slapped Jimmy, it wasn't like Leaf to hurt people, but this was a different circumstance, Jimmy deserved that slap.

"I hope that knocked some sense into you, maybe you'll realise how ridiculous you are now." And with that Leaf stormed off, her anger still flowing.

"Leaf!" The sound of her Mum's voice called through the school courtyard, reaching Leaf in seconds. She spotted her mum was waiting outside the gates of school. Slightly confused, Leaf jogged over to were her mum stood.

"Harry woke up."


A/N: So yeah, I finally updated and I know it took me a while, sorry for the long wait. :/ Anyway, I hope you like this update and hopefully the good news at the end made you smile! I think this update might be short, if it is I'm sorry, but yeah, the next update should be longer ^_^ Also if this update has sone typos in it, then I blame Bryan Stars I was paying more attention to the BVB interview than writing this... I don't know, if it does, let me know in a comment and I'll tell you what it should say :3

Also important news here, PLEASE READ! Once I've finished writing this story (which won't be long now) I will no longer be writing on Wattpad. If you ask why I won't be able to answer because I don't have a real good reason, I just don't really want to to be honest. I'll still use this to read stories though so yeah. Just thought y'all should know.


Yeah, deal with it ^_+ So bye, I love you all. Especcialy YOU. YOU THERE! THE ONE WITH THE HANDS! <3

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