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"This better be important." I spoke into my phone, half awake.

I propped my head up on my hand and yawned while I rubbed my eyes. "Of course it's important love." My eyes widened at that voice.


When I said that, I felt movement beside me and glanced, Kai's eyes were open.

Kol chuckled. "The one and only."

"What does he want?" Kai mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"I want to first start with a congratulations on your marriage with the witch." He said. "Though I am a little hurt to not be invited to the reception."

"Kai has a name."

"So do i but he never seems to get that right." Kai chuckled. "But I'm calling because I need you and your witch's help."

"Call him Kai and I'll considering helping."

"Fine." Kol paused. "I need yours and Kai's help." He practically spat Kai's name.

"No." I stated. "We're not helping."

"I'd think again about that if I were you, love."

"Why?" I wondered, raising a brow. I sat up a little bit straighter. Kai must have heard as well because he seemed a lot more aware. "Kol-"

"It seems that I have something to change your mind."

"Don't tell me you stole my bag." I began to panic.

Zeke! I thought, but saw he was on the floor where I had left him. I let out a deep breath, knowing he was safe.

"No, why would I get that?" Kol asked, sounding confused.

"Then what did you.." I trailed off and then gasped. "Grayson!"

Kai jumped out of the bed and ran out of the bedroom. I got out of the bed as well, frantically putting on some clothes. "Kol I swear if you have taken him I will-"

"He's not in his room." Kai interrupted, coming back into the bedroom. He ran his hands through his hair. "How did we not hear something?"

"You can thank Freya for that."

"Kol, this is low even for you." I said, feeling my hands shake. "Our son, you kidnapped our son!"

"You know he's in safe hands, I'm not going to hurt him." Kol told me. "It was merely a way for you two to come down here, honestly Riley." His voice sounded softer. "I would never harm the little one."

"Why do you even need us?"

"Freya needs more magic against an enemy of ours." He explained. "There was no way that Kai would have willingly came here to help us, out of everyone."

"I want to talk to him."

"I figured you would say that." There was and Kai had moved closer to me to hear the phone call better.

"Put him on the phone." Kai said.

"Hi." Grayson's sweet voice made Kai and I smile and look at one another.

"Grayson are you okay?" I asked. "They haven't hurt you or anything?"

"No, I've been playing with Hope." He said. "Why?"

"We are just worried." Kai said. "But we'll see you soon."

I looked at Kai and he shrugged. "I look forward to seeing you again love." Kol said.

"Go to hell Kol."

He chuckled. "I'll see you both tomorrow at midday."

"We'll be there." I spoke, my voice cold. I ended the call and chucked my phone against the wall.


"So, we're going to help these people?" Kai asked, I nodded.

"I'm not happy about it either, I finally thought I'd seen the back of that family." I said. "But if it means getting Grayson back then I don't care."

Kai and I were driving down to New Orleans, mainly to get Grayson back then help Kol. It was somewhat good timing that Kai and I were leaving Mystic Falls for a while because Bonnie had woken up and had begun hunting her targets which included Damon, Enzo and Caroline.

I glanced over Kai, he was driving and biting his lip a lot more than usual. I could tell he was worried so I put my hand on his thigh and reassured that. "He's going to be alright."

"I don't like to make deals with the originals." He said. "Last time I did I was in a box and drowning."

I squeezed his thigh. "I know but what choice do we have?" I asked. "I just want Gray back safe, I don't care what it takes."

"He better be okay."

"He has to be, Klaus has his own daughter there's no way he'd let anyone hurt Grayson."

Kai looked at me. "You better be right, Ri."

I smiled. "Malachai, have you not met me?" I kissed him. "I'm always right."


A.N -

- Apologises for such a short chapter,

- So anyway, hope you're enjoying this Kai Parker series but it will be ending soon.

- I'm sorry to say but that there will not be a fourth book, due to the fact I can't possibly stretch the KaiRi adventures that far.

- Next chapter up soon.

- Peace.

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