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"I love to watch you dance." Kai said into my arm, while his arms wrapped around my waist.

I looked back at him with a smirk. "Where did you wonder off to?"

"To the restroom."

"Is that why your fly is undone?" I asked, Kai pulled back and checked his already done up zipper, I laughed. He shot me a playful scowl and I shrugged. "Got you."

Kai rewrapped his arms back around me, trapping me. He grinned, flashing his perfect teeth. "Ri, that was rude."

"That was funny." I corrected. "Wait..." I paused and Kai looked confused. "Did I leave Zeke in your car?"


I realised what I said. "My bag."

He nodded. "You called your bag Zeke?"

"Being alone in a prison world makes you do things." I said. "You should understand that Kai."

He shrugged. "Touché." Kai replied. "But rest assured your precious Zeke is safe in the boot of my car."

"He better be."

Kai spun me around, making me face him. "What time it is, Ri?" He asked, leaning in so close to me that his forehead touched mine.

"Time for you to get your sweaty forehead off me." I said, Kai rolled his eyes but moved his forehead. He wiped his forehead with his hand and smeared it across my lips. I cringed, spitting the taste out.

Kai laughed and I glared, punching his arm. "You're disgusting, Malachai."

He smirked. "You know you love it, Ri."

"Idiot." I said, keeping my gaze on my phone.

Kai lifted me up, my legs around his waist so I was levelled with him while my back rested against the club wall. "What'd you doing Ri?"

"Just checking up with Jo to make sure Gray is alright." I answered, he watched me text Jo. "And it's almost three in the morning."

"Did Gray ever go to school?"

"Kind of, I stayed in Canada for a while. So he went to a preschool there, it was great but I had to compel so many people."


"Grayson fell over one time and his cries, broke half the windows in the preschool, a few people got injured but nothing major." Kai laughed. "And another time he got mad because another student stole the colouring pencil he was using so he stabbed him with another pencil."

Kai laughed again and I rolled my eyes. "Where did he stab her?"

"In his hand." I put my phone away. "Grayson is just likely he missed anything important."

Kai smirked. "Don't encourage that behaviour." I told him, knowing he was impressed.

"Never Ri." He replied, but his smirk told me otherwise. I just laughed and pulled him in for another kiss.


"Malachai." I gasped, looking out the window. "There's a beach."

"Ri, you really want to go skinny dipping?"

I nodded and he he parked the car. "Not skinny dipping but let's go for a late night swim." Before he had the chance to argue, I opened the door and stumbled out.

I laughed, running my hands through my hair. "Kai, come on."

Kai laughed, he wasn't drunk. "Ri." I hummed. He kissed my cheek. "Race you."

On The Run With Him: Kai Parker Where stories live. Discover now