Part 7

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*btw thanks to all of you who have read and voted it :D feel free to leave any comments, good or bad, thank you :)*

After they slammed something on the back of the van the wheels started moving. I could feel the people around me but how could I be sure of who they were? Then I could hear something that I recognised all too well. I wished that I was just imagining it just as much as I wished I wasn't. I had to make sure of who it was or if I was just going crazy.

"...Pete...?" I asked cautiously waiting for a reaction and sure enough his sobbing stopped a little.

"Patrick! that you?" I heard his voice lighten up and I couldn't help but let a few tears of joy escape.

"Andy...are you here too?" This voice came from behind me and I recognised it as Joe's. And sure enough Andy answered to his name. Finally. The four of us were together again. But where we're we going?

"Patrick, I'm...I'm so sorry" Pete began to cry a little again.

"None of this is your fault. It's mine. I'm the one who got caught." I couldn't keep the sound of hate from my voice and I could still hear Pete crying a little. I hated myself for this. It's all my fault that they did this to them. If I hadn't been so stupid and hadn't been caught then we would have done it.

"No...I'm's my fault..." Pete was still insisting that it was his fault when Andy let out a little yelp.

"What the Fuck was that!?" He exclaimed and I could feel him moving around.

"What was what?" Joe asked sounding concerned and curious. The sound of both of their voices somehow made me feel safer even though we were all in the same situation.

"There's something in here! Something sharp on the floor!" Andy wasn't even trying to hide his fear. Then suddenly as I moved my hands there was a scrape of metal on the floor.

Then I remembered what they had done to me. I had just caught him with my hook; the one that's replacing my left hand.

"Sorry what was me" I hoped that they didn't ask why or what it was. But all I heard was Pete sobbing even more which hurt worse than anything the girls have done to me so far.

"I'm so sorry Patrick...I didn't mean to..." He carried on sobbing and I couldn't help but reassure him that it wasn't his fault again.

"How can you sit there and say that it wasn't my fault? I shouldn't have done it!" His crying had stopped and now there was some hate behind his words.

"Its not your fault I got caught is it!" I had raised my voice and immediately regretted it. I hated shouting at anyone let alone one of my closest friends. As soon as I said the words Pete gasped a little.

"You think that's what I'm apologising for? don't remember...? You don't remember how you got that hook?" The hate had vanished from his voice now and he was sounding surprised and hurt at the same time.

I had no idea what he was talking about. How did he know about my arm? I hadn't told anyone about it and as far as I could tell we were all blind folded of some sorts. And why was Pete so sorry and upset for me? Then it hit me. It wasn't them who did this at all. It was him.

"You did this to me?" His silence answered my question perfectly and I heard another sob escape.

"What's happened? What did he do?" This time it was Joe who spoke with curiosity, eager to know what was going on. Neither me or Pete answered his questions and we sat in, what would have been, silence. If it wasn't for the sound of gravel beneath us moving under tyres it would have been.

I couldn't believe it. He had seen me while I was passed out and didn't help me? He just left me there? And even made my situation worse. How could a hook for a hand be any help!? How could he do this to me? To us all?

Then suddenly the motion of the van stopped and people seemed to be getting out of the front. I had no idea where we were, I was tied up, with a hook for a hand and I felt like I had been betrayed by one of my closest friends. I didn't think life could get much worse than this but then the doors to the back of the van opened and a wave of heat and crackling flooded in to greet us. The warmth got more intense and things that were emitting unbelievable heat were being placed next to us. Looks like I thought wrong.

The young blood chronicles, Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump's point of viewWhere stories live. Discover now