Chapter One

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      Lexa entered her room and smiled when she found Clarke already there. The blonde was sitting on a stool in front of the easel Lexa had given her. “Another painting?”

              Clarke looked at Lexa, apologetically. “I know they’re taking up all the space.” She glanced around at her paintings that were covering a lot of the wall space. Lexa had hung up every single one and it made Clarke happy to know the brunette enjoyed her work.

              Lexa moved behind Clarke and wrapped her arms around her, placing a tender kiss on her shoulder. “I do not mind, Clarke. Seeing your work pleases me. I am glad you have returned to your passion so wholeheartedly.”

              Clarke smiled and let
a content sigh. “Finally having peace and a place that feels like home helps a lot.”

              Lexa smirked and nipped at Clarke’s ear gently. “Just those two things?”

              Clarke turned her head. “You might have something to do with it, too.”

              Lexa captured Clarke’s lips in a tender kiss and after a few seconds, Clarke pulled away and turned back to look at her painting of the tower. “My mom is set to arrive today along with Raven and Octavia.”

              “I am glad your mom and Octavia will be returning under better circumstances,” Lexa said as she moved her hands to Clarke’s shoulders. “I hope Raven enjoys her first trip to Polis.”

              Clarke let out a light moan as Lexa began to massage her shoulders. “They’re looking forward to a nice vacation. There is one thing I wanted to talk to you about.”

              “I’m listening.”

              “They don’t know the extent of our relationship yet,” Clarke began. “I was hoping to be able to tell them after a few days into their stay. You know, so they can see what Lexa’s like as opposed to the commander.”

              “Whatever you wish, Clarke.” Lexa pushed Clarke’s hair away from her neck and placed a kiss below her ear, causing the blonde to shiver. “Will you be sleeping in your old room, then?”

              Clarke hadn’t thought of that and the idea of not sharing a bed with Lexa for a few nights wasn’t the most pleasant. “I can sneak in when they’ve gone to bed.” Lexa began to trail kisses down Clarke’s neck. “Stop that,” Clarke smiled. “You’re making me drip.” She felt the smile against her neck. “Paint,” she clarified.

              Lexa chuckled. “Can’t you take a break?”

              “Take a break for what?” Clarke asked, knowingly.

              “Set the paintbrush down and come find out,” Lexa said as she took a step back away from Clarke.

              Clarke set the brush down and got up from the stool to face Lexa. “You’re trouble.”

              Lexa smiled as she reached for Clarke’s hand. “And you’re beautiful.” She pulled the blonde to her and connected their lips for a passion filled kiss. Lexa tugged Clarke towards the bed without breaking their kiss and when the back of her legs came in contact with the bed, she sat down and looked up at Clarke.

              Clarke’s heart skipped at the way Lexa looked at her with an adoring reverence. “Ai hod yu in,” she breathed out.

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