A Failed Attempt

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After I had my sparklings, all femmes went to the enemy ship. We didn't have our own, and Firestorm was told to stay behind. I told him that if we were captured to not come looking for us. We needed the sparklings safe, and there was no way I was going to destroy that future. I knew we could go extinct now, and I was pushing the limits by taking the femmes with me. Arcee had recovered quickly, and already knew the dangers of going in there. I was basically beyond nervous, but I pushed onward.

We sneaked onto the ship, following a few mechs as silently as we could, then made our way through the corridors. Somehow, no one seemed to notice us. I searched the signs for any clue as to get to the brig, where all the prisoners were held, but everything was written in Cybertronian, and I couldn't read. That's when I remembered the bond, and slowly tracked it. Of course the others could read, but I am independent and stubborn. I often look for my own solution.

We came to a crossway and I walked forward, while the others stayed behind the walls with their guns warmed up.

I mumbled a little bit of something, then said, "Nope, it's pulling this way." Backing up from going straight ahead. They put away their guns and we walked like nothing was wrong. Another crossway set us at a standpoint, and then a different being came through. Most the others that had passed us were protoforms and we had silently evaded them, but this one was different.

"Hello. Welcome to the Quintesson Command Ship. Now, which one of you is sparked?"

I and Chromia covered Arcee. I hoped this would throw him off, and it seemed to work.

"I see. Well, that is a classic formation, especially with only the three of you. Oh, I know where you were headed, and I'm sure they would like to see you. Now, we don't have to take drastic measures. I didn't think they knew your location, and I figured you'd attempt to save them. However, I'm afraid I have to thwart that plan and take you hostage. We're not here for anything more, but to gather all Cybertronians. Many are across the stars, but they remain hidden. I'm glad you were all together on one planet. Made it so much easier for us."

He was monologuing, and I decided to make it stop. I attacked head on while the others followed. It was, however, a failed attempt. The last thing I saw was the others lying on the floor knocked out. I no longer found the hope to survive, and I fell into darkness.


Sorry this is such a short chapter, and I'm sorry for the lack of descriptions. This is too general in writing and I can't seem to up the notch. I can't really see all the details in my head, and I can't seem to think of anything to put there while they go down the corridors. It's probably a small form of writer's block, and I'm probably just pushing it a little hard.

Again, I'm sorry, and please keep reading, even though it's getting a little boring.

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