A New Threat

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I was currently in the med bay almost jumping with joy. I was going to have twin sparklings, and all I could do was hide my joy and shock on the outside. Megatron, my husband or rather sparkmate, chuckled and just let my inner emotion flow to him.

Suddenly, the alarms went off, and everyone ran to the main hanger. Optimus stood there and gave out orders.

"Team one behind me: Seekers and Aerialbots, Wreckers, Ratchet, Ironhide, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, 

Team two: Megatron, Arcee, Barricade, Dreads, Skids and Mudflap, Devastator, Mixmaster, Longhall, Hightower, Warpath, Crosshairs, Blaster, and Wingblade.

Team three: Soundwave, Dino (or Mirage), Smokescreen, Demolisher, Bonecrusher, Scrapmetal, Scrapper, Scavenger, and Sideways, Blurr, Jazz, Blackout, and Skyblast.

Team one is the front line. Team two is the back line. Team three, your objective is to hack the aircraft while teams one and two draw fire. Drones, except Roller, and sparked femmes stay at the base with First Aid. Let's roll out!"

"I've got a feeling they'll need Bumblebee's team too." Chromia said as they left. I just nodded and sent through the bond.

~Be safe.~

~I will.~ Megatron answered back before he went out of reach. I could feel the bond, but communication was now limited, though not completely gone.


A few hours went by. I was feeling frustration through the bond, and then fear. Something was wrong. Terribly wrong. I couldn't read his mind yet, but I continued to try.

"Elizabeth! Enemy ships are coming this way!"

"All right. Get the drones, and First Aid. We're heading to my place." I said.

We all got ready and left as quick as we could. Luckily, the ship was coming from the northwest quadrant. We were able to take a southern route that led to an area not too far from my place. I showed them in.

"Wow! It's not the base, but there's tons of space, no humans, and no danger." Chromia said.

"Yeah. That's part of the reason I like this place. Plus, we could dig more if we needed to."

"I'll set up my things. I have been almost due the last couple of weeks."

"Okay. Well, I've got a really bad feeling, so I'm going to go over the battle field. Hopefully no one is..." I didn't have to say it. The others nodded and I headed over in my jet altmode.

I scanned the battle field. There were dead bots everywhere, but they were protoforms. Meaning, there was none of ours dead. I sighed in relief, only to spot something. It was one of the Aerialbots, Firestorm. I flew down and helped him out of the wreckage.

"Firestorm! What happened?" I asked.

"All of us were taken captive by the Creators. They insist on finding you and the other femmes for their own pleasure. We're all trophies hanging in cages."

"Oh, no. But Arcee and Flareup..."

"Arcee got away in time, but just barely. I was knocked away, and they didn't bother searching."

"Well. I can get you to First Aid. What about Bumblebee and his team?"

"They were also captured."

"Chromia knew Optimus would need them."

"Yeah, well, none of us were organized today. We couldn't stay together to save our hides."

"Oh, I know what that's like. Think of Megatron being worried because they threaten to find me at base. Yeah, I know all about how we can't seem to stay together, or save our lives."

"Yeah." He chuckled.

I flew him to First Aid, and he was fixed up, with a little healing to do.

"So, what's the plan?" Chromia asked.

"Right now, I really don't know. It's going to be hard sneaking onto that aircraft for one. For another, you are due soon, and I might not be too far behind you. We can't do anything yet. All I can do is search for Arcee, and anyone else who might have been left behind. NEST was ordered to get away before there were too many gone. Hopefully, they can regroup, and I can find them."

"Okay. I'll search for Acree with you. We need to stay together for a better chance of survival."



For many days we searched for Arcee. I tried that whole time to not think that she could have been captured with the rest of them. I continued to try to read Megatron's mind, but he barely spoke, and things weren't going well on his end. Let's just say that the Creators wanted our location, including Arcee's, badly. No one knew either of those, and were continuing to suffer.

Chromia soon had her sparkling, and I was next in a month or so. I knew we couldn't wait that long, much less the month that I needed.

I continued to search for Arcee with Chromia after that. We finally came upon a limp Cybertronian out in a field. Her vitals were obviously low, and I flew Acree to the hideout with Chromia following on the ground.

We had found Arcee, but things were looking bleak. I could only hope that we could survive this.

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