Beginning of the End of War part 1

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~Megs. When can we go see the Autobots?~

~Soon, my sweetspark. We're just having trouble with the human alliance.~

~Will we have to hide the rest of our lives?~

~I hope not, but maybe.~

~I hope so too.~

It's been less than a week since we bonded, and Megatron contacted Optimus as soon as he could. Optimus was more than glad to accept the alliance and the meeting for political terms, but the humans have been resentful and begrudging towards the Decepticons. I am getting more than upset at the humans and more desperate to see my family. Megatron understands and sooths me with better thoughts, and comfort or love through the bond. I easily relax to his touch, and I've checked once or twice to see if I'm sparked. So far there is nothing. Our love is just beginning, along with our mental similarities. We are starting to think the same, and sometimes he'll give me something he's not sure about and I give him my opinion on the matter. He will either agree with me, or do a quick compromise, which is often better than what we both thought. We do not want children yet, and have avoided interfacing for the time being. I don't mind, I just like the comfort and love I get and give, and his touch, which he likes as well.

He likes to hold me, to comfort me, to hold me back when I'm mad, which goes both ways. Sometimes I have the calmer disposition and other times he has it. We seem to balance each other out, unless we're both mad and then that person or group is in trouble. That hasn't happened yet, but I know it will if it comes to our sparklings, which we don't have yet.

~Elizabeth, we can go tomorrow.~

~Yeah!~ I shout through the bond almost hugging him through it too. He doesn't like that because it's not an actual, or physical hug. I told you, he likes holding me.

~I'll come soon.~

I was almost jumping up and down. I could hardly contain myself. I felt amusement come through the bond, and I just sent back my joy. The door to our berth room opened and I crashed into him with such a bear hug. He was chuckling and hugged me back with pleasure.

"It's felt like a year since I left. I'm so excited to see my father again."

"Yes, I wonder." I could see his thoughts through our window, and I understood.

"You're right. He would be pretty upset. I should be more afraid than excited."

"Do not let it quench your joy. I will be cautious if anything."

"But it's Ratchet we're talking about. I don't even know what he'll do."

"Calm down. Just greet him with a smile, and if he suspects too soon, I'll be right beside you."

"Okay. That sounds good. I hope it works."

"It's okay. Everything will turn out fine."

"You're right. I just need to quit worrying."

"That's my sweetspark." I giggled at that response and kissed him.

"Okay. I've got other things to attend to."

"Okay. I'll have Knockout check again. Even though I had him  check two days ago."

"All right."

We both stepped out and I gave him one last kiss before we parted ways.


The next morning the Nemesis touched down at a base in L.A.. I walked off the ship and when I saw my dad, I ran and  hugged him.

"Oh, dad! It feels like it's been forever."

"I know. You did it. Who was it?"

"Daddy, I don't need this right now."

"Who was it?!" He yelled. I had backed away from him, and fear filled me. I was too loyal to reveal it if my husband didn't want me to. Our minds, even with great distance, could see the other person's thoughts. Megatron not only saw the words in my mind, but felt the fear through our bond.

He was talking to Optimus not too far away, and suddenly stopped, drawing attention to me and Ratchet's argument.

"Give me a minute." He said, and Optimus nodded, knowing this had to happen before anything could be resolved.

Megatron walked through every Cybertronian around us and stated with a great authority, "Leave her alone."

Ratchet froze, possibly in anger, but I had blocked the bond with him. I ran to Megatron and he held me, whispering soothingly encouraging words, and rubbing my back. I stared into space, slowly gaining my confidence.

"What have you done to my daughter?!" Ratchet seemed to explode. I turned around and faced him with determination.

"He did what he was suppose to. The Primes had us bond. We had no choice."

"You always have a choice!"

"Not this time, Daddy. And I'm glad we didn't, because neither of us felt it was right to do. But we had to. The Primes have a bigger role in our life than ever before, and it is the result between me and Megatron. Can you not see that this war is ending? This war that has been going on for far too long?!"

I stopped. I had no more left to express. No more left to put against my father. I had never really been defiant with him, but now I was. But I was defiant on the fact that I stood with the Primes. If my father did not, than he would lose me. He would lose me for a long long time, and I would not give in this time.

--I understand you, and I agree.-- I heard from Megatron from his mind.

--Thanks.-- I replied, but felt bad to do that to my father.

--It's okay. I'm here.--

--Yes, and I'm grateful.--


I looked in the direction of the voice and found the terror twins.

"Yes, Sideswipe. Sunstreaker. It's me."

They hesitated, then Sideswipe gave me a bear hug. I hugged back and Sunny joined, along with Jazz, Wheelie, Brains, and Bumblebee. When we finally parted, I was bombarded with questions.

"Guys!" I playfully shouted, and they all went quiet, "I will not tell you what went on or the result, but I can say that he has done nothing to hurt me in any way. I am fine."

"Ahh! Can't you please tell us one thing?!" They almost all whined, overlapping each other.

"No, because at least a couple of you are too young."

"But you're only seventeen years old."

"Sideswipe. I've been through more than you will ever believe possible in your lifetime. It trumps every death and kill you've experienced. So do not go chalanging me when I state something, and I mean it."

Sideswipe backed up and I straightened before walking away. Somehow, I felt like coming back was not the best thing.

--Don't worry. It'll get better over time.--

--Yeah. I just don't like the initial greeting.--

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