Beginning of the End of War part 2

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Many hours later, a peace treaty was signed and the factions were discontinued. We were now simply Cybertronians, and the peace among our family would always reign. Repopulating? Now that is another question. There are only a few femmes left, me included, and at least two have yet to sparkbond. I know I have an eternity to plan out, but I am still not ready to be a mom. Ratchet is still resentful towards Megatron, and we are almost never alone. I can't open the bond with my dad anymore because of the anger and hatred I get. There are times where I open the bond and just let it flow in, trying to drain him of the negative feelings, but there is only so much I can take.

One night I was alone in our berth room. Megatron was up late with Optimus trying to sort out paperwork for the human alliance. Megatron doesn't really like it, but he finds that Optimus doesn't either. The humans are still being cruel towards us, and not just the Decepticons. They don't like the recent battles that were the last of the war. The damage has to be paid for, and we are forced to help rebuild the city buildings. Some are even taller than us, while others are barely at our shoulders. I've had Knockout or Jolt check if I'm sparked every couple of days. I let them know I was going to do this because I still didn't feel like it was the time for sparklings. They agreed and we're glad to give me any heads up if Ratchet wasn't in there. I didn't need him ranting at me for being sparked if he ever caught me.

I was alone in our room and I opened the parental bond, having warned Megatron of what I was doing.

/Megatron's Prov.

I sighed, putting down the papers in my servo.

"What's wrong?" Optimus asked.

"She's going to open the bond to him. Every time she does it, she not only hurts herself but me as well. She's trying to drain his anger out of him, but he won't let up. There is only so much we can take."

"I'll have to see what I can do."

"I'll keep going, but don't be surprised if there's a reaction."

"I understand."


Elizabeth's Prov.

Moments later I am crying. The hatred is so strong, so deep. I try to sent my remorse, my fear, my love, anything but the hatred which continues to come through full force.

~Block it. I can't take much more.~ Megatron sends with desperation.

~Neither can I.~

I block my father's bond again, and I feel a wave of comfort from Megs, and I send it back. We continue to nurture our souls while I cry out in anguish and pain. I'm giving back what he's giving me and it's helping, but I'm afraid for my father. He should not be like this.

His optics could change color, giving him a darker air. Most optics are now blue, except mine, which are still the same, or others that still have a rage inside them that's prone to come out, which is rare but still. Ratchet, however, is filled with it. His room in the med bay is always locked, the key unknown to anyone on base, including the humans. I can feel the waves coming out of the med bay when he's in there. And heaven forbid if we ever meet in the halls. Everyone avoids him at all costs. Even the twins, which I've gotten closer to. The Chevy twins often argue, but they are beyond silent when Ratchet comes into the room.

I protect any bot I'm near if dad comes into the room and aims his cold stare at anyone. I know I can take it, and Megatron is never too far away.

Megatron's Prov.

After she closed the bond, I quickly gave her comfort, though I was feeling very little of it. I had for a long while gripped my chassis in pain as I have felt the anger and hatred. It's more than I've ever had at one time, and I can't take very much as I'm now on the receiving end of it. We could only handle it for about thirty minutes before it became unbearable to the both of us. How Elizabeth manages not to scream, I'm not certain, but I know there are moments where I want to.

"Megatron!" Optimus almost shouts worriedly.

"I'm fine. She's closed it off, but she's in a lot more pain than me. How she manages not to scream, I'm uncertain, but that is a lot to take being sifted through her. She never gives me all of it, but I can guarantee there's more than what I'm getting."

"I'll comm Jolt, and let him know. He can help her."

"I sure hope so."

Elizabeth's Prov.

I struggled to stand in our berth room. I had taken a whole lot more long after I had secretly blocked Megatron for a while. I had only blocked part of the bond between me and him and kept all the hatred and anger from him. He's in some discomfort, but I think my spark is weakening.

Jolt suddenly burst into the room and picked me up, rushing me to the med bay. I can't struggle, as I'm already weak from taking on so much. Jolt places me on the berth just as my dad walks in.

"What's happened?! He didn't hurt you did he?!" Ratchet was shouting.

"No, Dad! You did! I've been trying to drain the hatred from your spark. Both me and Megatron are taking the toll. Me more than him, because I've kept some of it from him. I can't believe you, dad. You used to be so kind and caring. Now you can't even except your son-in-law. I don't care what he did before. I've forgiven him, and you need to as well."

"What?! This can't be true!"

"It is!" I yell even louder. My voice box straining. I would not be able to yell a second time.

"Ratchet!" Optimus says loudly as he comes in with Megatron.

Megatron runs over to me and is worried as heck. He stares into my mind, and I shamefully show him what I've done. He only hugs me. Jolt gets readings and speaks, getting all our attention.

"Elizabeth. You cannot take another blow like that. Your spark is weakened, and if you don't recover, you can't have sparklings."

Something in me broke, and Megatron felt it. He was mad at Jolt for a moment until I told him different.

--It's my fault. Don't blame anyone, please.--

--I'm sorry. I'm just worried.--

--You should be. Many mechs are going to miss having a femme to bond with.--

He chuckled a bit, and the others looked confused. I looked at them and said, "Just part of the result. We are one in too many ways."

I couldn't tell if this angered dad any more than he already was. His optics were a bright red. The brightest red I've ever seen, and he was definitely gone mentally. I could only look on him with sadness. Again something broke within me, and tears fell down my face.

"Jolt. What is happening?" Megatron asked.

Jolt scanned me and said the one thing that shocked us all, "Her spark is breaking."

"What? Like physically?" I asked.


"What does that mean?" Optimus asked.

"She's dying." Ratchet said solumnly. I could see the sadness replacing the anger in his optics. There was yet a hope, but I was already falling away, and I would not be able to hold on.

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