A Fight for a Life

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"Is there anything that can be done?" Megatron asks worriedly.

--Elizabeth. If you die now, than so will I. We can't have everything the Primes fought for fall apart. This peace will crumble.--

--I know, but until dad changes his mind, my spark will not heal. It won't get any worse, I promise you that.--

Megatron looked up at Ratchet and decided to speak.

"Ratchet. I know what it is to be angry. Believe me, I've had my share, but what you are holding against me is destroying her. She wants you back, and she can't have that if you won't let go."

"He's right Ratchet," Optimus agreed, "You've caused her to become desperate for you."

"All right!" He suddenly yells, "I get it, just give me tonight."

"All right, Ratchet." Jolt said, "I just don't know if she'll last the night."


It turns out that Jolt was right. I went into stasis at midnight, and Megatron stayed with me, keeping our bond wide open and giving me encouraging words.

~It's okay, Megs. I'm fine.~

~I know, but I need you to hang on. Just hang on until noon tomorrow.~

~I know. I'm trying.~

I was in a complete shut down except for my spark, which still beat faintly. Jolt stayed up and checked the monitors frequently, or so Megs told me. He kept checking me every few minutes, and sometimes we had long conversations. I could tell at some point that Megatron went into recharge, but it was restless, and his active spark would not let up.

The following morning I would not wake. I wanted to make sure my father was desperate to save my life. Megatron half begged Ratchet to do something to save me. Ratchet laughed.

"You, a war lord, begging for my mercy when you showed little to anyone yourself?! Ha!" His contempt I heard from Megatron's mind. I was now angry, and the monitors showed it.

Small alarms went off and Megatron sat back, knowing that even he couldn't stop a rampaging femme. All my systems came online in one shot, and Jolt quickly stood away, finding not only my spark stronger, but that my systems were all functioning correctly.

I stood up and faced my father. I was done with this. I started to sever mine and my father's bond.

"Ratchet. I'm very displeased. Not only have you mocked my husband, but you've let me down. You have refused to fix what you've wronged, and I will not stand it any longer." I said. I gently held my chassis, as if there was only an irritation, but it was far from that. Ratchet, however, was on the floor gripping his.

"You have broken my spark with your hatred, and discontentment. You have refused to except the Primes' decision, and completely taken away any hope I ever had for you. I was told to block you off, and I'm sorry I had to do that, but you have very little reason for this." I paused, watching him writhe in anguish, "Good bye, Ratchet. I hope to never have to feel your anger again."

And with that, the parental bond was broken. I immediately ran with Megatron behind me, and I wasn't going to give my heart to a father again. My heart would not belong to a parent for a long time to come.

We went into our berth room, and Megatron closed the door behind us. My anger was seeping away, and the true pain was emerging. Megatron grabbed me and sat me on the berth. I stared into space, hoping I had not done the worst thing ever.

"Megs. What have I done?"

"You did what you felt was right."

"But it wasn't was it?"

"Maybe not."

"But he wasn't listening to anything else. He left me to die, and disrespected you. I couldn't just sit back and watch anymore." Tears fell down my face, and pain seethed into my spark. Comfort was sent through, and I sent some back.

"I need help. I can't take this anymore."

"We'll go into the mountains. Somewhere nearby. I'll let Optimus keep our location a secret. I'll also give the lead role to him. He's better than me anyways,"

I giggled at that. I liked what he was thinking.

"We'll have as many children as we want, and give them the choice to stay home or help Optimus Prime. He'll possibly be the last Prime to exist." He said.

"No. He's not the last Prime. I am."

"How? When?"

"Hehe. When I had my last upgrade, I became the first female Prime, and then when I bonded with you, I still had the special energy. That is why our minds are linked as well, and why you have grown kinder towards others."

"No, I grow to be kind because of your soul. Your soul was pure against mine, and how you saw my life and forgave me made me realize how wrong I had been. I wanted to live for you, knowing you could even beat me if you tried."

"Hmm. I've never been stronger than my husband before. Too bad I wasn't strong enough for my father."

"Yes you were. He was just too stubborn to see it."

I laughed at that, and he joined me. He then got up and left me to rest while he went to get things cleared with Optimus. I just fell into recharge, my spark aching like it would for a large part of my life.

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