I Can't Wait To See You.

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~Schuylar's POV~

"SCHUYLAR WAKE UP!" I heard my mum yell from downstairs.

"BUT MUM IT'S A SATURDAY," I yelled back as I laid back down, tossing the blanket over my head.

I had just drifted off to sleep again, when my mum came up and threw the blanket off of me. "Mum, what the hell?"

"You don't wanna miss seeing Justin do you?," she asked, ignoring my remark.

I quickly jump up and run into the bathroom for a quick shower. I totally forgot that today was the day that Justin was coming home.

In case you're wondering who Justin is, he's my best friend and the popstar known as Justin Bieber. Go ahead and fangirl I know you wanna. Well, anyways I haven't seen Justin in ages!

As soon as I hopped out of the shower, I went straight to my closet, deciding what to wear. I chose my black and purple T-shirt, my dark blue skinny jeans,  my purple hoodie, my black and purple converse and a few random bracelets.

After my hair dried, naturally of course, I put it into a messy bun on top of my head and ran downstairs. "MUM HAVE YOU SEEN MY KEYS?"

"IN HERE ON THE COUNTER!" she replied. "Thanks mum." I kissed her cheek, grabbed a muffin and a Capri sun.

Running to my car, I quickly unlocked it. I held the muffin between my teeth, and the Capri sun in my left hand, unlocking the car door with my right.

I backed out of the driveway, almost hitting the mailbox. Calm down Schuy. You don't want another accident do you? I shuddered remembering the last time.

Justin… Here I come. I can't wait to see you. Then I was off into the sunset. "RIDE LIKE THE WIND SWIFTY!!"



Hi guys, I'm so excited about this story, since it's my first one. I think it's kinda good, if I must say so myself. xD

Anyways Vote?


Byee ~ Star

I'll Never Let You Go (JB & 1D Fanfic) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now