Chapter 10

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Who Am I? has been rewritten and is now titled Finding Me. I am writing the sequel at the same time as MB, TSOC and this book.



{Renee’s POV}

“Are you saying you’re still in love with Renee?” I hear Jacki ask.

I am bringing her something my mom gave me when I was her age. I figured I would pass it down to her.

“Yeah I am in love with Renee.” Logan says smiling at her.

I drop the jewelry box and look at them shocked. I mean I knew her liked me back then but I did not know he was in love with me or still in love with me. I know I loved him back in the dad but do I still have those kinds of feelings still?

I bend down and grab the old jewelry box and walk over to Jacki.

I take a deep breathe, “What is in this box my mother gave me when I was sixteen so I thought I would give it to you.”

She takes the box when I extend my arms towards her. I sit next to Logan and I can feel he is tense.

I look up at him, “What is wrong?”

He grabs my arm and pulls me towards me closet and shuts the door. I turn on the light and turn to see him looking at me worried.

“Are you mad about what you heard?” He asks.

I shake my head, “I am trying to figure out how I truly feel about you. I am not sure if my feelings from back then to now will mash.”

He nods before leaving and going back towards Jacki. I see her looking at the necklace that has a ‘J’ on it.

“I never understood why there was a necklace with a ‘J’ on it until I met you.” I say standing close to her.

She smiles, “You never wear yours?”

I smile before pulling the longer chain out from under my shirt. She smiles before bringing the necklace to me to put on her.

She hand Logan her phone, “Take a picture of us?”

He smile, “Sure.”

I crouch down a little and smile next to Jacki. When Logan is done taking the picture he turns the phone towards us and I can see Jacki smiling. I see she sets it as her wallpaper and that makes me smile.

“My turn.” Logan says handing Jacki his phone.

When she takes the she shows it to Logan and I start laughing like I was in the picture. He decided to kiss my check and I was laughing because it is so couple-y to do that in a picture.

“I like it.” He says before setting it as his wallpaper.

“I better get those sent to me.” I say walking back towards the kitchen where my phone is.

I walk past the living room and have to hold back a laugh. I run grab my phone just as it starts to go off. I run back towards my room just as Jacki and Logan are coming out.

“Let’s go out back?” I say pulling them out the back door.

“Why?” Logan asks before looking back towards the living room after he hears the reason I am dragging them out the door.

I am happy Jacki did not hear them.

“Want to take a drive to the store?” I ask.

They nod, “Sure.”

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