Chapter 1

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My friend Minseok and I were at the park after school. I sat next to our bags as Minseok laughed and played around. He was swinging on the swings and sliding down the slide. I was tearing at the grass because my main teacher had given me dentention.

"Stop murdering the grass Jee Jee!" Minseok exclaimed. "It gets better!"

"Stop calling me that." I looked down.

"Lighten up already!"

"There's no point." I threw the grass into the air.

"Stop acting so cold and bitter," His smile formed into a frown. "Don't you like happiness and sunlight?"

"Bleh, no. Sunlight is nasty and happiness is useless." I scrunched my nose and eyes.

"But sunlight is where happiness is born though!" He ran through the grass again. His childish smile had planted itself onto his face again.

You can see our relationship right? We are kind of bestfriends. We act the exact opposites though. I can't really go into exact detail. All I can really say is that is that he's in my life only because he was there for me when my parents left for a "business" trip and never came back. They wouldn't even pick up their phones. Thanks to Minseok though, I learned to cope with it. He is now the only one I fully trust.

"Look its Min Jee! She is so lame!" A bunch of girls in the same dark blue uniformed teased. Their eyes had mischievous sparkles in them.

"Go away!" I glared.

They started laughing and whispering to each other, probably about me, and walked away, their matching dark black heels clicking against the cement ground.

"Shesh. I just came back. Don't need to be so mean." Minseok, being the clueless one he was. He had lost puppy eyes and ruffled hair that was just combed out by his fingers.

"Whatever," I shrugged.

He sat next to me. I heard his heavy panting, he must've been tired from running around like a little kid. He placed his head on my shoulder, I pushed it away.

"Do you think they will accept me?" He asked for the thousandth time this week. His voice a bit more hollow then cheerful.

"That music company?" I rolled my eyes. "Stupid, of course they did they will."

"Why so confident huh?" He pushed his shoulder lightly against mine.

"Because," I shoved my shoulder back. "I'm tired of you just saying your dream for 4 six years rather then doing it."

"Are you attempting to get rid of me?" He gasped. His eyes widened with horror.

"Yes I am. Is that a bad thing?" He looked away and placed a pout on his face.

"I'm just kidding," I pat his head. "I just want your dreams to come true. You deserve to have them happen in front of your eyes."

"But we won't talk as much though." He sighed.

"I promise you that is not true. We will always talk, we just won't see each other as much as we like too." I assured him.

"Thats still practically toture. Not seeing my bestfriend." He looked at me with pitiful eyes. I'll admit, he does really good aegyo.

"Don't lead me on dummy." I looked down. "You're just gonna make new friends.

"Wah! I would never!"


"I promise."

"Do you really?"

He nodded so much I thought his head might fall off. I slightly chuckled as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Minseok. Stop!" I tried to pull his arms away but he clinged on so tightly.

"Don't, not even for a second, think I will leave you." He said. I rolled my eyes again.

"I can't promise anything, you'd go away and I would still be here."

In my mind, I knew he was gonna leave me in the dust. I felt something else too though. I can't explain it, but I knew this situation was different. Normally, I would think, whatever, friends come and go. Minseok is different though, he was the only friend I trusted with my whole life.

What would life be like without my only friend?

Hurhur sorry for having it sooo short. Beginnings for me are always really short :)

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