You're all I ever need

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After Shawn's concert we snuck out of the venue and ran to the beach. Once we got to the beach I jumped onto Shawn.

"I can't believe you proposed to me on stage." I said with a permanent smile plastered onto my face. "Well believe it baby." He said pressing his soft lips to mine.

we pulled apart and I looked at him. Examining everything about him. He's mine. He's all mine.

Shawn broke me apart from my thoughts when I realized he was running towards the water. "Shawn no." I said with wide eyes.

He made me straighten my hair either and I don't want to deal with curly hair later. My hair is going to be all tangled.
I whined inside my head about how much I didn't want to redo my hair later.

Shawn threw me in the freezing cold water and I screamed causing shawn to laugh. "Asshole." I mumble walking past shawn he ran after me and grabbed me by my waist. "Girl you know you're not going anywhere you love me too damn much." He said kissing my cheek and I laugh.

Shawn placed me in the sand and grabbed my hand as we looked for some place fun. We saw a mini concert happening under a pavilion. I dragged Shawn there only to find his friend Austin performing a small show for some fans. There was only like one hundred people there, I would expect more fans to show up. But I mean it was kinda late.

Austin finished his song and his eyes landed on me and Shawn. "Shawn buddy!" He gasped in the mic. "I'm happy you and Jasmine are getting married." he smiled at us and the crowd let out an unenthusiast scream. They could honestly care less about me and Shawn getting married.

"Congratulations." Austin says and we thank him. "This one is for Shawn and Jasmine."

A few fans pushed us in the middle and made a fairly large circle around us.

Austin began singing All I ever need. The small crowd put on their flashlights since it was dark and waved them left and right as Shawn and I slow danced to Austin's song. "You're all I ever need, baby you're amazing. You're my angel come and save me." Shawn sang along quietly in my ear as we danced.

I knew most of Austin's fans were recording so I was excited to go back to the hotel tonight and save the video because this is absolutely the cutest thing shawn and I have ever done together.

After the song Austin congratulated us once again and continued on with his late night pop up show. Shawn and I stayed until Austin finished. After Austin's little show shawn and him made small talk before we were all on our way.

I jumped on Shawn's back and he carried me back to the hotel. "You're so heavy." He laughed placing me down in the lobby. "I'm not the heavy." I frowned over thinking it. Maybe I can lose some weight.

"I'll take the stairs." I told Shawn and walked to the steps while Shawn stayed waiting for the elevator. I ran up the steps to the sixth floor. I walked to Shawn and I's hotel room. I couldn't find my room key but it didn't matter anymore because shawn was walking to the room now from the elevator.

"You have the key right?" I asked and he pulled his key out from his pocket unlocking the room door.

Once we walked into the room shawn shut the door. He picked me up and placed me on the bed. He climbed on top of me with my small frame trapped in between his legs. He leaned down and began to kiss down my neck. He tried to lift up my shirt but I stopped him.

"What now?!" He asked irritated. It was clear he was mad because I stopped him. "I'm on my period and I didn't want to get you too happy only to find out we couldn't do it." I say embarrassed.

"Fine." He says getting off from on top of me. He grabbed his phone and some clothes before walking into the bathroom to take a shower.

We haven't had any sexual activity in months and it sucks that he just proposed to me and I can't even give him sex when he wants it.

I sighed and went on my phone going through my notifications.

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