you are my heaven

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That night at Shawn's concert the energy was high. Shawn was just finishing his song kid in love when he Andrew ran on stage and placed a chair directly in the middle of the stage and ran towards me and grabbed my wrist pulling me on stage. I was so confused. He told me to sit in the chair and I did. The lights were turned off with the single spotlight focused on me and Shawn.

Shawn began singing Drop in the ocean by Ron Pope and I started to tear up just looking up him look me in the eyes while he sang his heart out.

After Shawn finished singing he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box from out his pocket. The crowd was filled with whispers and mumbles. Some gasped, others screamed and clapped and some were just talking about how it should've been them but I didn't care about them right now. I care about the cute brown haired brown eyed boy kneeling on the floor holding a ring box.

"Baby we've been together for a while and I know we're young and dumb but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We aren't always the happiest together, we fight a lot but at the end of the day you're mine. You make me happy and without you I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing. When I'm with you I'm happy and you make me feel things I've never felt. You are MY heaven. And when I'm with you heaven isn't too far away. I love you babygirl and I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else. I love you Jasmine." He paused and looked at me. Makeup was probably streaming down my face from all the happy tears. "Jasmine my beautiful angel will you please do me the honor and marry me?" He asked and I nodded my head yes until I was able to verbally say the three letter word. "Yes!" I cried and he placed the huge diamond ring on my finger. He stood up and hugged him. He picked me up and yelled goodnight to the crowd. "Thank you guys for all the support I love you guys too!" He smiled and waved goodbye.

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