The Weird And The Wonderful. [13]

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[A/N] Hello there my lovelies :D I am so so so sooo sorry about the delay with this chapter. >.< Work has been a pain in the ass and my life had become one long circle of waking up, going to work and going to bed again :( 

It's really begining to make me restless, I yern for some form of excitement, so I decided I would write my own lol I hope this chapter is exciting enough for you all and although this may seem like the end there is still a loooong way to go yet. :D:D I am never one to give up so soon.

Anyway, I am hoping to get a new chapter up before the weekend is over but I may just be persuaded to make it sooner if you all vote and comment. If I get over ten votes i'll upload tomorrow. If not, well you will just have to wait and see :D

Love You All xxx

Chapter Fourteen

Jay pushed his way into the apartment without so much as an invitation. Not that I would give him one, but, heck even bad guys have manners sometimes.

With the grace of a wild animal stalking its pray Jay strut around the apartment and I could tell by the amused glint in his eye that he was judging every little detail. 

"Well, isn't this place...disgusting!"

He laughed, the son of a bitch. 

"Kitty, you've downgraded. Really, I would rather live on the streets then in this sty."

With my fists clutched to my side and my lips pursed I silently begged my tongue to behave. One word out of line and that was it. I was worm food. However I still felt the urge to defend this place, the place that I had at some point come to consider home. This thought struck me funny, I hadn't thought of anywhere as home since my parents house, it was kind of nice.

"What's wrong kitty? Cat got your tongue?!"

He laughed! At his own pathetic little joke. Really? Well that was arrogance in it's highest form.

"Very funny."

I hissed.

"I thought so."

He chuckled while reaching up to rub his stubble shadowed jaw. Suddenly I had an urge, one I had never felt towards Jay before. I  wanted to punch him, square in that shadowed jaw of his. My knuckles ached to do it. My finger twitched, but I held back.

Hesitantly I took a single step further into the living room, watching Jay plant himself on the couch. 

"Okay, that's enough chit chat.."

He began. Really that was his idea of idle chat, making fun of me with every word. Then again who ever said Jay was social acceptable.

"..I Want to know everything."

He stated simply. Arching my brows I stared at him as if ten heads had suddenly sprouted from his shoulders.

"What exactly do you want to know?"

I spoke slowly in a condescending tone. I couldn't fathom what it was that he thought I knew.

"Well you've been here now for a few days. Surely you must have found something, isn't that why you are here? You wanted to spy on the cop. I must say Kat, it was a truly inspired idea, one I wouldn't have even thought of. You did good kid."

I couldn't believe it, he was throwing me a bone, giving me a chance to redeem myself. If I spilled the beans on Julian he would turn a blind eye to everything. Then again, could he really have been stupid enough to believe that I was spying for him? I wanted so much to lie, to say that I had, had a plan in my mind the whole time I was there. I wanted to feel safe again and not be stuck under Jay's intense gaze.

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