Once Sentence=A Thousand Memories

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Guess what people's!!?? I don't know!!!! Why am I so excited that I just can't hide it!!! I can't remember!!!!

  By the way. I have an idea for a story. I don't know if I should post it. I think it's really good though. Maybe I'll post it after I finish one of my stories and hopefully one day this gets on what's hot. It's not my dream, but it'll tell me that I'm a great writer.

     That's my dream. To be a famous author. Just a famous as Stephanie Myer. Well, I'm sorry for wasting your time talking about my dreams and wishes. Let's get on to the story!!


    After a very entertaining dinner filled with flirtatious remarks from the parents and glares from the three brothers and one child, we finally filed into the living room to start movie night. Grandma and grandpa were out of town since it was their anniversary and left the house to us.

       "What movie do you want to watch?" My aunt asked us all turning to the millions of DVDs that were in the cabinet.

      "Finding Nemo!" Remy and I both squealed. I knew it was her favorite and after everything she went through she deserved to see that movie, as for me I didn't really care. As long as they didn't pick a horror movie.

      "Why can't we watch Chain Saw Massacre? It's not like Remy can't see it. There isn't that much blood." Sebastian grumbled getting a cold glare from Ben, his father, my aunt, and I glared at him. Will only yawned and pretended to look bored.

     "Finding Nemo it is." Mike said giving my aunt a flirtatious smile. Sure, their flirting was adorable without a doubt, but even I had to admit I was getting a little sick of the smiles and blushing.

    I glanced out of the window to see that it was already dark outside. We must have gotten so caught up in dinner that we didn't notice the time. A small part of me wondered if my uncle was looking at the same sky as me and asking if he regretted letting Aunt Loraine and Remy go.

     "Hayden, could you please go get the popcorn?" My aunt asked giving me a pleading look. I smiled at her. I don't know why she would look at me with big puppy dog eyes like that when she already knew that I would do it for her without all of her antics.

   "Sure." I replied getting up and heading into the kitchen. I knew without even turning around that one of the boys had gotten up and followed me. I didn't know which one, but I was hoping that it wasn't Sebastian or Will.

     I turned the light on in the pantry with my back still turned to the mystery boy and reached for the popcorn. Finally after turning the light off and placing the bag in the microwave I turned to face my stalker. I wasn't surprised to see who it was either.

    "What do you want Bastian?" I asked him throwing my guards up. If there was one brother I didn't like out of the three of them it was Bastian. He complained to much and only thought about himself.

    "I want you to help me get our parents to stop their disgusting flirting." He said leaning against the counter and glaring at me with cold calculating eyes that felt like they were looking right through my outer features and glaring at my soul. I shuddered without warning and took a step back.

     "Why? I don't see what the problem is. I think they deserve each other." I said letting a smile tug at the corner of my lips as I remembered how Mike and my aunt had flirted at the table. They really would be a cute couple.

       "She does not deserve my father. She's nothing but a single mother without a job and a bratty kid. She can't even support herself." He growled glaring at me even harder than before which I didn't think was possible.

       Anger boiled inside of me. Did he really just dis my aunt, the woman that raised me and took me in after my nightmarish childhood? Did he just dis the woman that helped me get over the nightmares I had every night after that, and the woman that basically raised both Remy and her husband on her own? Even now Uncle Rodney acted like a child and this boy had the gall to insult her without even knowing her.

     "Let me tell you something Sebastian. Don't you dare go talking about my au-mom like that. Expecially in front of me. You don't know what she's been through and you probably wouldn't give a crap so I'm not going to waste the detailed story on you. It's you who doesn't deserve a mother like her. Judging a book by its cover before you even get to know the person and their life isn't the right way to start a good friendship with anyone. So I suggest you back the fuck off and leave both her and me the hell alone." I said in a low threatening tone.

     His face went red and the next thing I knew was that he was in my face shouting. "Don't you dare talk to me about my feelings. Don't treat me like a kid. You don't know what I've been through and to be honest you probably don't even know the true meaning of pain."

     The last sentence struck a chord deep inside of me. I didn't know pain? He didn't know me. My life was the meaning of pain, and it wasn't just because of the divorce. I felt tears come to my eyes and a sob begin to build up in my throat.

       Memories flashed before my eyes. Painful ones that I would have to live with for the rest of my life. Memories that I would have no way of forgetting or being able to heal.

      I didn't have the strength to fight Sebastian anymore. All of my energy that had swelled inside of me from the anger and frustration flooded out and only memories and pain was left in its place. A horrible aching pain that needed to be let out while laying in bed and clutching a pillow to my chest.

      I didn't even get to see the reaction on Bastian's face when the first tear fell from my eyes. I darted out of the kitchen door and into the living room that I would have to go through to get to the stairs that led to my bedroom. I knew my aunt and everyone would see me, but I didn't care. I wasn't about to cry to them about the pain that I went through when they had their own problems to deal with. I wasn't that selfish.

       I ran up the stairs as a sob broke from my chest and the walls around me began to blur from the water that was building up in my eyes. A picture of my father beating me on my fifth birthday shoved its way into my memory. The stings from the leather belt were still vividly imprinted in my head and there was no way to get them out.

       The only thing I could do to get it all to stop was shove it all out and let the numbness invade my body. Let it shove away the pain and memories and let nothing but darkness fall into its place. There was no one here for me. There was no one I could go to that would understand how I felt. I was utterly and completely alone, and to be honest I hated it.

      I slammed the door behind me locking it. Not bothering to go to my bed I slid down and hugged my knees to my chest. You know how they say Bella had a hole in her chest after Edward left her in New Moon and in order to hold herself together she would hug her knees to her chest? Well that was a little bit of what I felt like at the moment.

    Why? Why did Bastian have to go there and bring back those memories? Why did he have to ruin such a perfect night with one simple sentence?

     I hated him. I hated him with every fiber of my being. It didn't take the pain away though, and that's what I wanted the most. I wanted the pain to be completely gone.


   This was a hard chapter for me to write. It made me want to cry just thinking about a five year old little girl getting beat by her father. No child should be treated like that. Sometimes I wonder though why do the monsters that keep the kids, keep them in the first place if all they are going to do is torture them? Sorry for turning your day into a bad one if I did. I needed to get this down in order to get the story to where it needs to be.

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