Possibly Benjamin?

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Hey people's! guess what? I just finished my science exam! The last exam of the semester! Wahooo! Now I can spend Christmas uploading new chapters of my stories! Happy Holidays!


I woke up the next morning not knowing what to do or expect. I knew I couldn't just walk down stairs and forget the whole thing even happend. I couldn't just forgive Sebastian, because despite that I spent all night pouring my eyes out and confessing to a pillow, I was still in pain. It would never go away.

I sat up in bed. My stomach growled but I was pretty sure that the boys were downstairs because I could hear their laughter. Did they even care? Did Aunt Loraine or anyone even care for that matter? No one came in my room to check up on me last night. I could have been in the bathtub with cuts down my arms, as dead as a door ail, and no one came to comfort or to see if I would make it to tomorrow. I really was alone.

Deciding against it and not going downstairs I got up instead to take a shower. Grabbing my clothes and sneaking down the hall to the bathroom, I thought it was pretty stupid that I had to sneak around the house that my grandparents owned because of three very obnoxiously rude next door neighbors, but hey what else was I going to do?

I turned the hot water on and stripped. Showers always made me feel lighter and better after a long night of crying. That's why I loved to take them early in the morning. They had a tendency to wake me up and get my day started.

Going through the normal routine of washing my hair, body, and shaving I wondered how easy it would be to just take the razor blade to my wrist and let all of my problems bleed down the drain. I knew I couldn't thouugh. If there was one person I would live for, one person that I needed to be strong for, it was my cousin Remy. If Uncle Rodney got a hold of her and I was dumb enough to kill myself before hand, then I'd hate to see what his new slut would do for her as I rotted in hell.

I didn't know how long I was in the shower until the water turned cold. I switched the faucet off and wrapped myself in a fluffy blue towel that landed at about mid thigh. I cursed when I realized that I forgot to grab my clothes and stuck my head out of the door. No one was in the hall so I ran to my bedroom.

When I turned around after locking the door I almost screamed at the top of my lungs and fell. My hand went to my pounding chest and I glared at the devil themselves. Yes, plural. The three brothers stood there looking at me as if I were something to eat.

"Get out!" I screamed at them flinging open my bedroom door. The three boys crossed their arms simultaneously. It was wierd, but I guess it was proof that they were brothers.

"We need to talk to you, Hayden." Will said in a no nonsense tone. The way he spoke to me made me want to cringe in fear. The tone that he used reminded me of the same tone my father used with me just a little less harsh.

I looked away. "Well I'm not going to listen." I said walking past them to my walk in closet so that I could change. It was obvious that they weren't going anywhere any time soon. I shut the door behind me and I could hear the three of them conversing in the other room as if I weren't in the closet.

"Dude, she's really pissed. Did you see that look in her eyes? It's going to be hard for you to get her to forgive you." What sounded like Will said.

"I don't want forgiveness. If it were up to me I wouldn't be up here apologizing. I meant what I told her last night. If she can't handle it then that's her problem." Bastian said in an agrivated tone.

After throwing on some skinny jeans and a tank top I stepped out of the closet and let my dark curly hair fall down my back. The boys watched me silently as if I were some Greek godess. I just rolled my eyes at their hormones and glanced at them.

"Are you going to talk or leave?" I asked grabbing the hair dryer and plugging it into the wall. "Why did you run away last night?" Bastian asked glaring at me. I froze. How dare he. He had no right questioning me.

"Bastian, I know you're not in here to apologize. You probrably don't even want to be here right now. All I am really going to tell you is that my life isn't as perfect as you presume." That was all I was going to give any of the guys for now. They didn't deserve a true explanation from me anyway.

"So tell us how your life isn't perfect. Give me proof. Other than that I don't want to hear you wallow in your sadness." Bastian said before walking out and slamming the door leaving Will and Benjamin here with me.

Will shook his head and followed Bastian out slamming the door as well. Benjamin was the only one left and he sat on my bed and patted the seat next to him. I sat down after putting the dryer back where it was meant to go and Benjamin wrapped a comforting arm around my shoulders.

"I'll be here when you want to talk. Now just let it out and cry." He said and that's what I did. I cried my eyes out. I needed to tell someone. Someone other than my aunt or uncle what happened. Would Benjamin be the one that I told all my secrets to?

I looked up into his grey eyes and he smiled at me sadly. I could see myself being with Benjamin. I trusted him, but was he just trying to impress me? Was he a true gentlemen? Only time would be able to tell.

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