CH 26 - "Only Skin Deep"

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26...Only Skin Deep...

Jonathon stood at the bathroom sink and stared at his reflection. His hands were unsteady as he slowly folded the thin wispy piece of skin back over his face and watched it meld back into place, giving him the appearance of a human once more. He fixed the skin on his neck then just stood there, staring at himself. His mind and body felt numb, but not from the effects of Orlando's device. The sniper had been gone a long time. Had he gotten there in time to save Clarice? Jonathon was afraid to reach out with his mind, afraid he wouldn't feel her there, that there would just be a hollow emptiness. His mind was still weak, it might not work anyway, but he was afraid to try.

He left the bathroom and went into the bedroom and stood at the same window through which the sniper had lined up his shot with Clarice as she and Jonathon had been making love. What if he had shot her and she had died right there in his arms? He would have died with her. He stared out the window. It was dark out there. And cold. Bitterly cold. But not nearly as cold as the chunk of ice forming in the pit of his heart. She had seen what he was. Really seen it. Even if she had survived, how could she...

He gripped the edge of the window frame and hung his head, closing his eyes. Orlando should have killed him. Death would be better than this–

Arms slid around his waist from behind and held him tight. He shuddered at the feel of her touch, wondering if he was imagining it. He turned slowly, still suffering the worst fear he'd ever felt. She was real, and standing right there, unharmed. He wanted to look in her eyes, but he couldn't. He closed his eyes and whispered, “Clarice...”

“Don't.” She spoke low and soft. Her hands touched his face, caressed his skin. “Open your eyes, Jonathon. Look at me.”

His eyes opened slowly and met her warm gaze. “I'm so sorry.” He whispered thickly.

“For what?” She asked softly, sincerely. “For loving me like I've never been loved before? For saving my life over and over again? For giving me a reason to go on, a reason to embrace life? Tell me, baby...just what is it you're sorry for?”

Her beautiful face swam before him.

“I love you, Jonathon.” She whispered. “And nothing – nothing – will ever make me stop loving you.” She traced her fingertip over his face where the skin had been peeled away. “It's just skin, baby.” She smiled. “None of us would look too pretty without it.”

He kissed her, pulling her tight into his arms. Was the nightmare over? Really over? It seemed he'd lived his whole life inside that nightmare...had he finally awakened to a bright and beautiful morning? He hugged Clarice tighter, wondering if it would be possible to ever let go of her again.


“So what now?” Jonathon Lancaster looked at Hunter across the top of the counter. Hunter read the questions loud and clear; was Hunter going to reveal his identity to an unsuspecting world?

Hunter reached over and held out his hand as Lancaster shook it cautiously. “We're good.” Hunter said and squeezed Lancaster's hand firmly. The other man nodded and smiled. Hunter turned towards the front door. “Good luck and God speed. It's been...unusual.”

Lancaster chuckled. “To say the least.” He stepped around the end of the counter. “We don't even know your name.”

A slow, thoughtful smile spread across Hunter's lips. “Bob.”

“Thank you, Bob.” Lancaster said. “For everything.” Clarice slipped her arm through Lancaster's and smiled affectionately at Hunter, nodding softly.

Hunter looked at the two. Did they have any idea that they had helped him more than he had helped them? He didn't think so. The amazing love and devotion they shared had revealed a side of humanity he'd never really witnessed before. Ironic that it took a being from another world to prove to him there was humanity in this one. Hunter smiled. “Thank you.” He shook his head then and tapped his temple. “By the way, that was one hell of a mind trick out there.” He lightly rubbed his finger beneath his nose. “I was zeroed in on Orlando and ready to pull the trigger. Would've done it too.” He cast them one last nod and wave and walked out before Jonathon could respond.

“Did you...” Clarice started.

Shaking his head slowly, Jonathon murmured, “It wasn't me.”

“Then who?” Her brows pinched. “Could it have been...Alec?”

“Or someone else.” Jonathon said as he slipped his arms around her and rubbed his hands down over her stomach.

“The baby?” She whispered. “How is that even possible?”

He laughed softly. “After all that you've been through, all you've seen and learned in the last few can still ask how that is possible?”

She smiled and leaned back against him. “My bad.”

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