CH 10 - "The Morning After"

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10...The Morning After...

“Here.” Jonathon handed Clarice his black leather jacket. “Take this. It's cold outside.”

Clarice took the jacket and slipped it on. The heavy sleeves hung down over her hands and the hem struck her upper thighs. Jonathon had found a long sleeve thermal shirt in the bag and put it on beneath one of the t-shirts.

He grabbed the sawed off shotgun and stuffed it in the bag to conceal it, then dropped his shoulder holster in with it and tucked the 9mm in the back of his jeans, covering it with his double shirts. He looked up at Clarice. She'd pulled the jacket tightly around her and was breathing in his scent. When she caught him watching her, she smiled.

“Smells good.” She said softly. “Like you.”

A smile tugged the corner of his mouth as he picked up the bag. “We should get going.”

There was only a trace of a limp to Clarice's walk as she headed for the door.

“How's the leg?” He asked. He opened the door ahead of her and looked out, scanning the area outside quickly.

“Better.” She said. “It don't hurt so much anymore.” She shrugged as he turned back to face her. “I'm a bit sore, though.”

“That's to be expected.” he said. “After the incident at your brother's...” His words faltered as she just looked at him, and it suddenly dawned on him what she meant. “Oh.” He cleared his throat. “Sorry about that.”

She moved up close to him till her body was touching his. She looked up in his eyes. “Don't you dare apologize for last night.” She whispered.

“My mistake.” He murmured and leaned down, kissing her lightly on the lips.

She licked her lips when he drew back. “Mmm.” She touched his arm where the thief had cut him. She could feel the bandage wrap beneath the thermal sleeve. “How is your arm?”

“It's okay.” He said quickly and opened the door wider for her. “We should go.”

The gray light of early dawn poured down like a smoky haze as they stepped out of the room and closed the door. Clarice went to the SUV while Jonathon returned the key to the office. She wished they could've stayed another night or two. Last night, while Jonathon had held her, she'd almost forgotten the nightmare she'd suddenly and violently been thrust into. But being back on the road, on the run, it would all come rushing back full force.

Jonathon returned to the truck and slid in behind the wheel. He cranked the engine and it turned over smoothly.

“Do you know where we're going?” She asked when they were away from the motel and headed down the road.

“Yes.” He said as he stared straight ahead. “But we have to make a stop first before we get on our way.”

“Stop where?”

Jonathon glanced at her but seemed unable to hold her eyes for very long. She wondered if that was a bad sign. “There's a guide station about ten miles up ahead.” He said. “This is prime hunting grounds that draw hunters from out of state. They need guides to take them up into the mountains.”

“And this is relevant to” Clarice queried.

“The guided trips last about a week.” He said. “The hunters leave their rigs at the station. We need to swap the SUV for something more fitting for where we're going.” He lent her another quick look. “And the cops will be looking for this rig by now. We have enough to deal with, we don't need the cops on our ass as well.”

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