CH 12 - "Nightmare"

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The hallway stretched away from her as she ran, her breath unsteady and her heart racing. She could hear the man behind her, calling to her, telling her he wasn't going to hurt her. But he had already hurt her dad and brother. Her legs felt weak, like she'd been running for hours, but she couldn't reach the end of the hall. Her mother was down there, she would save her from this man.

Tears flowed from her eyes and blurred her vision. The hallway swam in front of her, making her feel dizzy. Someone screamed and she froze in place. They screamed again. It was her mom. Someone was hurting her. The man who had taken her into the bedroom.

“Momma!” She cried out and ran forward, this time making it to the end of the hall and turning the corner. She rushed to the bedroom door and shoved it open, then stopped short, her heart shuddering in her small chest. “Momma?” More tears flooded her eyes. Her mother was on the bed, naked. The man was on top of her, doing things to her that the young girl didn't quite understand yet. Her mother's head turned and she looked at the girl. Her eyes were empty, blank. Tears trickled from the corners and wet the blanket on the bed.

“Momma?” The young girl cried again, unsteadily.

The man on top of her mother twisted his head and grinned at the girl. “Watch closely, honey.” He said. “And Uncle Sean will show you all you need to know about being a woman.” He shoved hard against her mom and her mom cried out, but it was a quiet cry, like she was tired.

She felt the other man behind her before she heard him. His hands clamped onto her small shoulders. Her heart beat wildly and her throat closed with fear. She began to breathe hard and fast. The man on the bed drew back and stood up. The girl's eyes widened as he turned around. His pants were open and she could see his-

She clamped her eyes shut as a fierce heat spread through her cheeks. She'd never seen 'it' before...except once when she'd accidentally walked in on Aaron taking a bath. But never an adult man.

The man behind her shoved her forward towards the other man. She almost stumbled because she refused to open her eyes. “Your turn.” Uncle Sean said to the man behind her. “She's all wet and ready for you.”

The man stepped around the girl and went to the bed. She opened her eyes a crack and saw him kneel on the bed between her mom's legs and began unfastening his pants. Uncle Sean stepped in front of her, blocking her view of the bed. She clamped her eyes shut again because he was still exposed. “Time for your first lesson in womanhood.” He said and scooped her up with one arm.

The girl screamed and kicked. “Momma!” She cried out in terror, but her mother just laid there on the bed, eyes watching her blankly as the other man took his turn at her.

Uncle Sean carried her to her own bedroom and dropped her on the bed. He straddled her small body, pinning her down, as he began tugging at her clothes. “No.” She whimpered and tried to hold her clothes on, but he was too strong. He leaned over her, his breath hot against her ear. “This'll be fun, sweety. And when I'm done with you...and my buddy is done with'll be a woman. All grown up.” He kissed her cheek and she gasped. “Now won't that be something?”

She squeezed her eyes shut and cried out in her mind – Help me! Somebody please help me!


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