CH 6 - "Into Hell"

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6...Into Hell...

Silver Falls Camp Ground was carved into the wood sign, the deep grooved letters painted white against a forest green background. Jonathon's foot let up off the gas pedal and touched the brake lightly as he guided the SUV onto the turnoff to the campground. The road was thick with slush and mud but the SUV's big tires bore through it without problem.

Evergreens shrouded the campground in a gray, early morning light, their bows heavy with snow. Patches of snow blotched the grounds.

The SUV pulled up close to the rest rooms and stopped. Jonathon turned off the engine and sat for a moment looking around. There were no sign of any campers. It was too late in the year for camping. This was a summer camping area. They shouldn't be bothered here.

He looked across the front seat at Clarice. She was leaning against the passenger door, asleep. He longed to close his eyes and enter her dreams. Be with her again in that place where questions weren't asked, bodies and hearts touched, and passion overrode his deepest fears. But time was of the essence, he had to keep them moving.

The bandage around her thigh was soiled and in need of redressing. Luckily the shard of glass had missed the main artery in her leg. Otherwise they would've been in serious trouble.

Watching her sleep, he wondered if, in the long run, he'd made the right decision. Interfering in her life seemed to be bringing about even greater repercussions. Maybe people had only one path in life, one direction. One destiny. And when it was spun everything out of control.

Jonathon's fingers tightened around the steering wheel as he stared at the sleeping woman. Despite his doubts concerning his choices, whether he had the right to do what he did, had he the chance to undo it...he knew he wouldn't. Images he wished he could eradicate flashed through his mind. She might feel like she's been to hell and back by the time this was all over, but how could anything be worse than the other? At any rate, it was too late to wonder if he'd done the right thing. What's done was done, and he could only go forward from where they were right now. If he tried to think too far ahead, it would cripple him, paralyze him with fear and doubt. He had to do this one step at a time, only thinking far enough ahead to keep them alive.

His eyes caressed her lovely face, now relaxed in sleep. He could feel her in her dreams, searching for him, longing for him to hold her again and make her feel safe. His chest tightened and he had force his mind to remain in the here and now. He couldn't keep her safe in her dreams. He had to be out here, alert, watchful. Always watchful.

As if feeling the weight of his eyes and his thoughts, Clarice slowly opened her eyes and straightened a little in the seat. She looked out the front windshield. “Where...are we?” She asked quietly, her voice thick with the residue of sleep.

“Camping grounds.” Jonathon said.

“What're we doing here?”

“We need to redress your wound.” Jonathon opened the driver door and stepped out. He stood for a moment in the open door then walked around to the passenger side and opened Clarice's door. “Come on.” He said, helping her out of the truck.

She winced with each movement as he walked her towards the rest room building.

The door to the rest room creaked loudly as Jonathon pushed it open and the two entered. It was even colder in here than outside. Jonathon flipped the light switch on the wall and a bare bulb overhead flickered, threatened to go out, then held, casting a dim light down on the two occupants. Clarice hugged herself as Jonathon released her and gave the rest room a quick once over. It was moderately clean but clearly hadn't been attended to in months. He tried the sink faucet and clean water spewed out. This would do.

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